[Bootcd-user] 3 x "mkisofs: permission denied error"

Green Kobold greenkobold at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 14:44:27 UTC 2007


i am on Kubuntu 6.10, trying to make an live cd iso image of my running OS.

This kind of error is recurrent when I run bootcdwrite as root:
--- OUTPUT from <mkisofs -graft-points -x /home/ref/Desktop -x /media -R -b
isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4
-boot-info-table -o /var/spool/bootcd/cdimage -x /proc -x /var/spool/bootcd
-x /var/log/bootcdwrite.log -x /etc -x /var -x /tmp -x /dev -x /home -x
/root -x /etc/mtab -x /etc/cron.daily/standard -x /etc/fstab -x
/usr/share/bootcd/bootcd-run.lib /=/ /=/var/spool/bootcd/changes
/home.ro/=/home /root.ro/=/root /var.ro/=/var /etc.ro/=/etc /dev.ro/=/dev>
mkisofs: Permission denied. cannot open

1b) I try to solve it by:
ref at ref-desktop:~$ sudo chmod a+rwx /sys/module/sbs/parameters/capacity_mode

2) than i ask bootcdwrite to (r)edo, and the next error is:
--- (e)xit (r)edo (i)gnore --- r
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
mkisofs: Permission denied. cannot open
--- OUTPUT from <mkisofs -graft-points -x /home/ref/Desktop -x /media -R -b
isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4
-boot-info-table -o /var/spool/bootcd/cdimage -x /proc -x /var/spool/bootcd
-x /var/log/bootcdwrite.log -x /etc -x /var -x /tmp -x /dev -x /home -x
/root -x /etc/mtab -x /etc/cron.daily/standard -x /etc/fstab -x
/usr/share/bootcd/bootcd-run.lib /=/ /=/var/spool/bootcd/changes
/home.ro/=/home /root.ro/=/root /var.ro/=/var /etc.ro/=/etc /dev.ro/=/dev>
mkisofs: Permission denied. cannot open

2b) again, i solve it with:
ref at ref-desktop:~$ sudo chmod a+rwx /sys/module/sbs/parameters/update_mode

3) the next error is:
--- (e)xit (r)edo (i)gnore --- r
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
mkisofs: Success. cannot read from
--- OUTPUT from <mkisofs -graft-points -x /home/ref/Desktop -x /media -R -b
isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4
-boot-info-table -o /var/spool/bootcd/cdimage -x /proc -x /var/spool/bootcd
-x /var/log/bootcdwrite.log -x /etc -x /var -x /tmp -x /dev -x /home -x
/root -x /etc/mtab -x /etc/cron.daily/standard -x /etc/fstab -x
/usr/share/bootcd/bootcd-run.lib /=/ /=/var/spool/bootcd/changes
/home.ro/=/home /root.ro/=/root /var.ro/=/var /etc.ro/=/etc /dev.ro/=/dev>
mkisofs: Success. cannot read from

3b) and I solve it with:
ref at ref-desktop:~$ sudo chmod a+rwx

This last one appeared six times in a row, and i cant solve it giving

Can anyone help me on this?
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