Savane support

Sanghyeon Seo sanxiyn at
Sat May 6 08:03:13 UTC 2006

Hi, I wrote a support for Savane. Attached.

Suggested entry for btslink.cfg:

type     = savane
uri      =
uri-re   = https?://|)\?func=detailitem&item_id=([0-9]+)

Tested with bugs from texmacs package.

Seo Sanghyeon
-------------- next part --------------
import urllib, urlparse, cgi

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from base import RemoteBts, failwith

def parse_uri(uri, key):
    qs = urlparse.urlparse(uri)[4]
    dic = cgi.parse_qs(qs)
    return dic[key][0]

def parse_table(soup, key):
    cell = soup.firstText(key).findParent('td')
    value = cell.nextSibling.string
    return value

def convert_text(text):
    if text == 'None':
        return None
    return text.replace(' ', '-')

class SavaneData:
    def __init__(self, uri): = parse_uri(uri, 'item_id')

        soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen(uri))

        status = parse_table(soup, 'Open/Closed:')
        resolution = parse_table(soup, 'Status:')

        self.status = convert_text(status)
        self.resolution = convert_text(resolution)

        if self.resolution == 'Duplicate':
            failwith("Savane: don't know how to follow duplicates")

class RemoteSavane(RemoteBts):
    def __init__(self, cnf):
        bugre = r'^%s/bugs/\?func=detailitem&item_id=([0-9]+)$'
        urifmt = '%(uri)s/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=%(id)s'
        RemoteBts.__init__(self, cnf, bugre, urifmt, SavaneData)

    def isClosing(self, status, resolution):
        return status == 'Closed' and resolution != 'Wont-Fix'

    def isWontfix(self, status, resolution):
        return resolution == 'Wont-Fix'

RemoteSavane.register('savane', RemoteSavane)

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