Processed: [bts-link] source package kdepim
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Fri Mar 23 17:18:14 CET 2007
Processing commands for control at
> #
> # bts-link upstream status pull for source package kdepim
> # see
> #
> user bts-link-upstream at
Setting user to bts-link-upstream at (was bts-link-devel at
> # remote status report for #280223
> # *
> # * remote status changed: NEW -> RESOLVED
> # * remote resolution changed: (?) -> FIXED
> # * closed upstream
> forwarded 280223, merged-upstream:
Bug#280223: kmail: fatal error when deleting folder during download (IMAP offline)
Forwarded-to-address changed from to, merged-upstream:
> tags 280223 + fixed-upstream
Bug#280223: kmail: fatal error when deleting folder during download (IMAP offline)
There were no tags set.
Tags added: fixed-upstream
> usertags 280223 - status-NEW
Bug#280223: kmail: fatal error when deleting folder during download (IMAP offline)
Usertags were: status-NEW.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 280223 + status-RESOLVED resolution-FIXED
Bug#280223: kmail: fatal error when deleting folder during download (IMAP offline)
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: resolution-FIXED status-RESOLVED.
> # remote status report for #366418
> # *
> # * remote status changed: UNCONFIRMED -> RESOLVED
> # * remote resolution changed: (?) -> WORKSFORME
> # * closed upstream
> tags 366418 + fixed-upstream
Bug#366418: kmail: Freezes when selecting "Add to address book" context menu item
There were no tags set.
Tags added: fixed-upstream
> usertags 366418 - status-UNCONFIRMED
Bug#366418: kmail: Freezes when selecting "Add to address book" context menu item
Usertags were: status-UNCONFIRMED.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 366418 + status-RESOLVED resolution-WORKSFORME
Bug#366418: kmail: Freezes when selecting "Add to address book" context menu item
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: resolution-WORKSFORME status-RESOLVED.
> # remote status report for #398182
> # *
> # * remote status changed: REOPENED -> RESOLVED
> # * remote resolution changed: (?) -> FIXED
> # * closed upstream
> tags 398182 + fixed-upstream
Bug#398182: Crash: Probably during connected imap autopoll
There were no tags set.
Tags added: fixed-upstream
> usertags 398182 - status-REOPENED
Bug#398182: Crash: Probably during connected imap autopoll
Usertags were: status-REOPENED.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 398182 + status-RESOLVED resolution-FIXED
Bug#398182: Crash: Probably during connected imap autopoll
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: resolution-FIXED status-RESOLVED.
> # remote status report for #407987
> # *
> # * remote status changed: UNCONFIRMED -> RESOLVED
> # * remote resolution changed: (?) -> WORKSFORME
> # * closed upstream
> tags 407987 + fixed-upstream
Bug#407987: [KMail] Crashes on shutdown in KMFolder::noContent
There were no tags set.
Tags added: fixed-upstream
> usertags 407987 - status-UNCONFIRMED
Bug#407987: [KMail] Crashes on shutdown in KMFolder::noContent
Usertags were: status-UNCONFIRMED.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 407987 + status-RESOLVED resolution-WORKSFORME
Bug#407987: [KMail] Crashes on shutdown in KMFolder::noContent
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: resolution-WORKSFORME status-RESOLVED.
> # remote status report for #411114
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 411114 + status-UNCONFIRMED
Bug#411114: three places to enter identity, unclear relation
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> # remote status report for #413467
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 413467 + status-UNCONFIRMED
Bug#413467: kaddressbook: CSV export doesn't handle " in fields
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> # remote status report for #415454
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 415454 + status-UNCONFIRMED
Bug#415454: does not correctly hande mailto-links (subject and body are discarded)
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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