doctor and hospital data lists

argumentative Lilly_Maxine at
Thu Sep 13 07:24:32 UTC 2007

For the week ending Sep 14, you will receive a List for Nursing Homes, Hospitals and Dentists at no charge when you order the Physician Directory

Licensed Physicians in the USA 

788,537 in total – 17,400 emails

34 primary and secondary specialties

16 different sortable fields

New Price: $354

*** FREE OFFER: Get the 3 directories below for FREE with the purchase of the Doctor data ***

American Hospital Listing
complete contact information for CEO's, CFO's, Directors and more - over 23,000 listings in total for more than 7,000 hospitals in the USA

Contact List of US Dentists
597,000 dentists and dental services ( a $300 value!) 

Nursing Homes in the USA
includes over 31,589 Senior administrators, 11,288 Nursing Directors in over 14,706 Nursing Homes in the United States. (value: $249)

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