Bug#508812: Reusing python-btsutils for bts-link
Bastian Venthur
venthur at debian.org
Tue Dec 16 12:50:10 UTC 2008
I'm still a fan of this plan, and will help as much as I can and my free
time allows it.
Gustavo R. Montesino schrieb:
> Em Seg, 2008-12-15 às 18:32 +0100, Olivier Berger escreveu:
>> Hi.
> Hello,
>> The package python-btsutils has been recently brought to my attention
>> (Thanks zack). It implements a general python API for the DBTS.
>> I think that the Debian bts querying part of bts-link
>> (bts/interfaces.py) could be replaced somehow by using an (improved)
>> btsutils which could use a mirror of the BTS database.
>> I've started some bits to reuse current bts-link's code to extend
>> btsutils, at :
>> http://picoforge.int-evry.fr/websvn/listing.php?repname=helios_wp3&path=/trunk/python/ (by also changing some bits in bts-link... see : http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/git/bts-link.git/)
>> I've also filed a wishlist on python-btsutils for that : #508812
>> The idea is to try and merge in a distinct common library as much of the
>> python client interfaces of the BTS as possible. It would eventually
>> support many interfaces of the BTS : SOAP, WEB, ldap, spool files,...
> Some time ago I have talked to Stefano Zacchiroli (python-debian),
> Bastian Ventur (reportbug-ng) and Sandro Tossi (reportbug) about the
> possibility of creating an "official" python bts access API to be
> integrated to the Debian Bundle/python-debian. Unfortunately this hasn't
> progressed since them, but I think it would be the way to go.
> I believe the first step would be to get an overall architecture design
> plan, and likely from there the best is to start a new codebase, taking
> the useful bits from python-btsutils and from python-debianbts.
> I'm still willing to help on this process as much as my free time
> allows, but I wouldn't feel comfortable trying to do so alone.
> Kind regards,
> Gustavo R. Montesino
> PS: I'm cc'ing a lot of people and lists as I think this subject
> interest all of them, apologies in advance for the cross-posting.
Bastian Venthur http://venthur.de
Debian Developer venthur at debian org
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