Processed: [bts-link] source package liferea

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Tue May 6 20:12:05 UTC 2008

Processing commands for control at

> #
> # bts-link upstream status pull for source package liferea
> # see
> #
> user bts-link-upstream at
Setting user to bts-link-upstream at (was bts-link-devel at
> # remote status report for #339611
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: (?) -> Closed
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> Invalid
> usertags 339611 + status-Closed resolution-Invalid
Bug#339611: liferea: fails to cope with low disk space condition
Usertags were: resolution-Invalid status-Closed.
Usertags are now: resolution-Invalid status-Closed.
> # remote status report for #356460
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: (?) -> Open
> usertags 356460 + status-Open
Bug#356460: Please add ability to go to previous entry in Unread feed
Usertags were: status-Open.
Usertags are now: status-Open.
> # remote status report for #386584
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: (?) -> Open
> usertags 386584 + status-Open
Bug#386584: liferea: Shouldn't use atom:updated as item date
Usertags were: status-Open.
Usertags are now: status-Open.
> # remote status report for #411076
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: (?) -> Open
> usertags 411076 + status-Open
Bug#411076: liferea crash when watching last unread post
Usertags were: status-Open.
Usertags are now: status-Open.
> # remote status report for #411386
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: (?) -> Open
> usertags 411386 + status-Open
Bug#411386: Please add a way to filter by date in vfolders
Usertags were: status-Open.
Usertags are now: status-Open.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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