First steps toward support of any underlying BTS to track remote bugs (on mantis for a start)

Olivier Berger olivier.berger at
Tue Jun 16 14:54:53 UTC 2009


FYI, I've hacked the first bits of an extension of bts-link in order to
allow its use over any other BTS (than debbugs) in order to track remote

Very few (but debbugs and launchpad) bugtrackers offer a way to provide
a "forwarded-to" like property allowing to track status changes for
remote bugs, but a possibility lies in adding such property in the bug's

I've tried and describe such a feature in and have implemented a first prototype for Mantis.

The same could be done for basically any bugtracker, allowing to use
bts-link for any project wishing to track remote bugs in their preferred

The changes for bts-link are substential but not completely
revolutionary, and some refactoring will be needed, and I'll probably
publish that in a few days in my git repo. I hope this will help improve
the modularity of bts-link by calibrating even better the classes, APIs
and decomposition in modular elements.

Feel free to ask questions, or wait for the git push ;)

Best regards,
Olivier BERGER <olivier.berger at> - OpenPGP-Id: 1024D/6B829EEC
Ingénieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut TELECOM, SudParis (, Evry (France)

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