Processed: [bts-link] source package gnome-power-manager

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Wed Mar 4 19:46:48 UTC 2009

Processing commands for control at

> #
> # bts-link upstream status pull for source package gnome-power-manager
> # see
> #
> user bts-link-upstream at
Setting user to bts-link-upstream at (was bts-link-devel at
> # remote status report for #429395
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: NEW -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> FIXED
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 429395 + fixed-upstream
Bug#429395: gnome-power-manager: Escape key doesn't work in Power Management Preferences
There were no tags set.
Tags added: fixed-upstream

> usertags 429395 - status-NEW
Bug#429395: gnome-power-manager: Escape key doesn't work in Power Management Preferences
Usertags were: status-NEW.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 429395 + status-RESOLVED resolution-FIXED
Bug#429395: gnome-power-manager: Escape key doesn't work in Power Management Preferences
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-RESOLVED resolution-FIXED.
> # remote status report for #445527
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: UNCONFIRMED -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> OBSOLETE
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 445527 + fixed-upstream
Bug#445527: gnome-power-manager: Suspend to ram immediately after resuming from hibernating
There were no tags set.
Tags added: fixed-upstream

> usertags 445527 - status-UNCONFIRMED
Bug#445527: gnome-power-manager: Suspend to ram immediately after resuming from hibernating
Usertags were: status-UNCONFIRMED.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 445527 + status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE
Bug#445527: gnome-power-manager: Suspend to ram immediately after resuming from hibernating
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE.
> # remote status report for #460233
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: UNCONFIRMED -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> OBSOLETE
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 460233 + fixed-upstream
Bug#460233: gnome-power-manager: When systems starts pulling from second battery the "Battery Discharging" warning pops up again
There were no tags set.
Tags added: fixed-upstream

> usertags 460233 - status-UNCONFIRMED
Bug#460233: gnome-power-manager: When systems starts pulling from second battery the "Battery Discharging" warning pops up again
Usertags were: status-UNCONFIRMED status-NEEDINFO.
Usertags are now: status-NEEDINFO.
> usertags 460233 + status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE
Bug#460233: gnome-power-manager: When systems starts pulling from second battery the "Battery Discharging" warning pops up again
Usertags were: status-NEEDINFO.
Usertags are now: status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE status-NEEDINFO.
> # remote status report for #504691
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: UNCONFIRMED -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> OBSOLETE
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 504691 + fixed-upstream
Bug#504691: gnome-power-manager: Display sleep timeout not effictive after re-logon
There were no tags set.
Tags added: fixed-upstream

> usertags 504691 - status-UNCONFIRMED
Bug#504691: gnome-power-manager: Display sleep timeout not effictive after re-logon
Usertags were: status-UNCONFIRMED.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 504691 + status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE
Bug#504691: gnome-power-manager: Display sleep timeout not effictive after re-logon
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE.
> # remote status report for #505051
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: UNCONFIRMED -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> FIXED
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 505051 + fixed-upstream
Bug#505051: gnome-power-manager: overrides user-set display brightness
There were no tags set.
Tags added: fixed-upstream

> usertags 505051 - status-UNCONFIRMED
Bug#505051: gnome-power-manager: overrides user-set display brightness
Usertags were: status-UNCONFIRMED.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 505051 + status-RESOLVED resolution-FIXED
Bug#505051: gnome-power-manager: overrides user-set display brightness
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-RESOLVED resolution-FIXED.
> # remote status report for #510268
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: NEW -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> FIXED
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 510268 + fixed-upstream
Bug#510268: gnome-power-manager: Slowly reduces backlight levels until screen is totally dark
Tags were: patch pending
Tags added: fixed-upstream

> usertags 510268 - status-NEW
Bug#510268: gnome-power-manager: Slowly reduces backlight levels until screen is totally dark
Usertags were: status-NEW.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 510268 + status-RESOLVED resolution-FIXED
Bug#510268: gnome-power-manager: Slowly reduces backlight levels until screen is totally dark
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-RESOLVED resolution-FIXED.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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