Adding support for the new Sourceforge trackers (Allura)
Olivier Berger
olivier.berger at
Mon Oct 12 12:16:34 UTC 2015
Some time ago, SourceForge migrated some (or all of its ?) projects to
Allura, whose trackers have changed.
I wonder whether anyone has noticed and/or is working on that...
In any case, I've started some code to try and support it (hopefully not
reinventing another wheel).
You'll find my intial code in the 'allura' branch.
FYI, the trackers have a nice API, easily parseable with json.
However, I'm wondering how to better integrate this in the bts-link
The SF Allura trackers are backward compatible : the old URL redirect to
the new ones.
For instance, the URL of
(a forwarded bug of #710513) is redirected to (whose JSON variant is at
In my current hack, it's only until we can't match a traditional
Sourceforge status table in the beautiful soup, that I'm trying to check
the redirects happening in the wget (hence the changes on the way to
invoke the wget command), to try the new allura variant.
Instead, I'm thinking of triggering an exception, that would make
bts-link retry with another Remote BTS class...
I'm just lost in the way the instances are constructed, to try and do
Sandro (or anyone else), could you suggest a way to do that properly ?
I'll try and debug to understand more how that is all running.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Olivier BERGER - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)
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