Student project on bts-link (Semantic / Linked data interface)

Sandro Tosi morph at
Mon Oct 19 09:50:08 UTC 2015

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Olivier Berger
<olivier.berger at> wrote:
> Hi.
> Sandro Tosi <morph at> writes:
>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Olivier Berger
>> <olivier.berger at> wrote:
>>> Sandro Tosi <sandro.tosi at> writes:
>>>> is this something that will add code to bts-link? if so, who will
>>>> maintain that part of the code once this project is done?
>>> I'd say the intent would be to minimize the code added, and more likely
>>> offer a set of complementary scripts exploiting the logs, a bit like the
>>> summary and RRD stats.
>> I'm still unsure how you would use bts-link here: if you just need the
>> information of debian-bug <-> upstream url, that is already available
>> via the BTS itself. the bts-link log  could be changed, because its
>> main purpose is helping bts-link maintainers to debug issues/track
>> what's going on.
> Thanks for the feedback.
> It's available from the BTS, but part of the interesting data also lies
> on the other end of the link. So, instead of implementing another
> completely separate application, I think it may still be interesting to
> start from bts-link. But I agree that it may be better to separate the
> concerns.
> Depending on the amount of data that the program will need to process
> and how it evolves, it may well be better separated from the code,
> running as a quite separate later step in the cron.
> In any case, this all depends on the details, which are still unclear to
> me until the design is performed (by the students ;). I'll try to
> minimize the impact inn any case.
> I'm not sure about you're last sentence: you meant "could be, but may
> not need to" ?

yeah what I meant is: if we need to change the log format because we
find it better to debug issues, that might happen, but there's nothing
planned already.

Maybe we can generate a separate log just for this project? exactly
how depends on the still-to-be-defined details, but at least we keep
your project and the normal execution of bts-link reporting separated?

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
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