Adding support for the new Sourceforge trackers (Allura)

Olivier Berger olivier.berger at
Mon Oct 19 15:12:09 UTC 2015

Sandro Tosi <morph at> writes:

> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Olivier Berger
>>> * wgotten is terrible, really, how do you come up with that? :)
>> Well, spawning wget in the first place sounds a bit horrible too
>> ;-). Now, I needed to detect redirections happening between the old SF
>> trackers URLs and the newest Allura URLs, to try and divert to the new
>> handler. Should've added more docs.
>> Now, I'm considering replacing wget by another harvesting mechanism,
>> using native Python HTTP client, which could allow handling the
>> redirects or other matters (like caching / throttling, etc.) in a better
>> way. Will have to handle that separately from the SF/Allura stuff,
>> though. What do you think ?
> that makes sense, sure, dunno if this is there right time tho: do you
> think it would be just possible to add the allura remote without
> handling the redirections? at least at first

I've done that. You'll find the code in the 'only-allura' branch. This
time, I've minimized the diffs which are mainly located in a single
remote/ module.

>>> * allura is a new bug tracking system, the fact that SF decided to use
>>> it doesnt mean that they have to live together, so there's no good
>>> reason to keep it in the sourceforce remote
>> You're right, although I haven't detected another instance deployed
>> yet. I'll try to change that.
> indeed they are not that many:
> but still better to have it ready to be used as soon as other projects
> pick it up

I've tested a bit with allura's own tracker and it seemed to be
operational. We'll then be ready should bugs be forwarded to other
Allura instances.

Note that I've added a custom case for enigmail's tracker, which doesn't
use the "closed-*" status for its tracker, unlike most other projects
hosted on

Now, regarding the redirects of old forwarded-to URLs pointing to the
Sourceforge original tracker paths, another option would be to
mass-change the forwarded-to URLs instead of changing the code. It would
be a matter of a single run of a custom script.

I hope that my changes are in better shape this time.

Best regards,
Olivier BERGER - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
Ingenieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, Evry (France)

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