Processed: [bts-link] source package libreoffice
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Thu Oct 5 18:03:38 UTC 2017
Processing commands for control at
> #
> # bts-link upstream status pull for source package libreoffice
> # see
> #
> user bts-link-upstream at
Setting user to bts-link-upstream at (was bts-link-devel at
> # remote status report for #501780 (
> # Bug title: python-uno: loadComponentFromUrl forces the window to full-screen
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 501780 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> # remote status report for #633468 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-impress: deleting selection in slide sorter have strange behaviour
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 633468 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #642329 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-calc: Basic runtime error No. '91' for macro
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEEDINFO
> usertags 642329 + status-NEEDINFO
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEEDINFO.
> # remote status report for #646809 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-calc: crashes if more than 110000 rows worked on
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 646809 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #656072 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-writer: Displaying very large plot pasted from Calc causes Writer to become unresponsive
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEEDINFO
> usertags 656072 + status-NEEDINFO
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEEDINFO.
> # remote status report for #665904 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice: hyperlink between two ODT documents
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 665904 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> # remote status report for #668850 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice: opens windows in wrong session
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 668850 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> # remote status report for #671774 (
> # Bug title: /usr/bin/libreoffice: LibreOffice calc creates malformed links to external XLS-sheets
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 671774 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #719540 (
> # Bug title: python3-uno: capitalisePython() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEEDINFO
> usertags 719540 + status-NEEDINFO
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEEDINFO.
> # remote status report for #834357 (
> # Bug title: LibreOffice hangs on HTML Table paste
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 834357 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #819511 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-writer: Writer freezes after scrolling down ODT document
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 819511 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> # remote status report for #826080 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice: enable watermark configuration for pdf export
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 826080 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #826546 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-calc: Can't edit cell after CTRL+D
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 826546 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #829300 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-calc: Chart, x-y scatter with Sort by X values breaks with empty cells
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 829300 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> # remote status report for #834357 (
> # Bug title: LibreOffice hangs on HTML Table paste
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 834357 + status-NEW
Usertags were: status-NEW.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #857311 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-calc: unreadable text in cell
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 857311 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #842726 (
> # Bug title: [libreoffice-writer] Cannot select text and scroll at the same time
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 842726 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #856817 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice: breaks all Korean words end of colum
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> ASSIGNED
> usertags 856817 + status-ASSIGNED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-ASSIGNED.
> # remote status report for #857311 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-calc: unreadable text in cell
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 857311 + status-NEW
Usertags were: status-NEW.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #858645 (
> # Bug title: opening and saving remote documents fails
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 858645 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> # remote status report for #860112 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-calc: Sometimes trashes pictures width
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 860112 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #861785 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-calc: has high CPU usage and consumes all available memory when closed
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> RESOLVED
> # * remote resolution changed: (?) -> WORKSFORME
> # * closed upstream
> tags 861785 + fixed-upstream
Bug #861785 [libreoffice-calc] libreoffice-calc: has high CPU usage and consumes all available memory when closed
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream.
> usertags 861785 + status-RESOLVED resolution-WORKSFORME
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-RESOLVED resolution-WORKSFORME.
> # remote status report for #865859 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice: renders much slower than version 5.2.7
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 865859 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #868349 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice-calc: conditional formatting not preserved with copy paste operations
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 868349 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #871484 (
> # Bug title: can't open files on gnome VFS (input/output error)
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> NEW
> usertags 871484 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> # remote status report for #877269 (
> # Bug title: libreoffice: Export to PDF/PDF A/1A - add an option to disable double signing
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 877269 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> # remote status report for #877272 (
> # Bug title: PDF once it's timestamped, no further changes should be allowed
> # *
> # * remote status changed: (?) -> UNCONFIRMED
> usertags 877272 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems
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