Processed: [bts-link] source package k3b
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Thu May 4 08:37:04 UTC 2006
Processing commands for control at
> # bts-link upstream status pull for source package k3b
> # see
> #
> user bts-link-upstream at
Setting user to bts-link-upstream at (was bts-link-upstream at
> tags 291860 + upstream
Bug#291860: k3b: K3b should be able to do a verify without burning
There were no tags set.
Tags added: upstream
> usertags 291860 + status-NEW
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-NEW.
> tags 314523 + upstream
Bug#314523: Hangs when dropping an ISO file on k3b shortcut in KDE panel
There were no tags set.
Tags added: upstream
> usertags 314523 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> tags 344428 + upstream
Bug#344428: k3b: k3b very often ends dvd burning with a failure
There were no tags set.
Tags added: upstream
> usertags 344428 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> tags 347625 + upstream
Bug#347625: k3b: Directory size sometimes not updated
There were no tags set.
Tags added: upstream
> usertags 347625 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> tags 352005 + upstream fixed-upstream
Bug#352005: k3b: Error message: found actual media, yet requests a disk
There were no tags set.
Tags added: upstream, fixed-upstream
> usertags 352005 + status-RESOLVED resolution-INVALID
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: resolution-INVALID status-RESOLVED.
> tags 358497 + upstream
Bug#358497: k3b can't verify files with spaces in filesnames
There were no tags set.
Tags added: upstream
> usertags 358497 + status-UNCONFIRMED
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-UNCONFIRMED.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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