[bts-link] source package boinc

bts-link-upstream at lists.alioth.debian.org bts-link-upstream at lists.alioth.debian.org
Thu Feb 23 16:47:38 UTC 2012

# bts-link upstream status pull for source package boinc
# see http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/05/msg00001.html

user bts-link-upstream at lists.alioth.debian.org

# remote status report for #591285 (http://bugs.debian.org/591285)
# Bug title: boinc-manager: add a command to force execution of a WU
#  * http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/ticket/1002
#  * remote status changed: (?) -> closed
#  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> wontfix
#  * upstream said bug is wontfix
tags 591285 + upstream wontfix
usertags 591285 + status-closed resolution-wontfix

# remote status report for #651278 (http://bugs.debian.org/651278)
# Bug title: boinc-client: boinc issues a warning when installing
#  * http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/ticket/1161
#  * remote status changed: (?) -> new
usertags 651278 + status-new

# remote status report for #651303 (http://bugs.debian.org/651303)
# Bug title: boinc-manager: boinc-client daemon does not start automatically and hence cannot connect
#  * http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/ticket/1160
#  * remote status changed: (?) -> new
usertags 651303 + status-new

# remote status report for #651304 (http://bugs.debian.org/651304)
# Bug title: boinc-manager shows backtrace and stacktrace when exiting
#  * http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/ticket/1162
#  * remote status changed: (?) -> new
usertags 651304 + status-new


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