[Bug-triage-devel] bzutils 0.2

Gustavo R. Montesino grmontesino at gmail.com
Sat Aug 18 16:37:21 UTC 2007

I'm pleased to announce the release of bzutils 0.2.

bzutils is a python module to interact with bugzilla servers.

The main changes from version 0.1 are:

* Accept html as an alternative to csv on bugzilla query result pages,
  fixing access to older bugzillas (eg: KDE)
* Added the url and version fields
* Added a method to get a single bug report
* Get the valid product, component and version combinations from the  

The source code for bzutils 0.2 is available at

Debian packages are being worked on and should be available soon.

Gustavo R. Montesino

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