Bug#206937: [Build-common-hackers] Bug#206937: cdbs: simple-patchsys.mk question

Jeff Bailey Jeff Bailey <jbailey@nisa.net>, 206937@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 27 Aug 2003 02:59:19 -0400

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On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 01:27, Colin Walters wrote:
> > Just been playing with CDBS, and have a quick question: why does the
> > simple-patchsys.mk module apply the patches to DEB_BUILDDIR and not to
> > DEB_SRCDIR? =20

> Honestly, I don't know.  Jeff Bailey made this change.  Jeff, do you
> have any comments about this?  I've changed it to DEB_SRCDIR in CVS, let
> me know if that's wrong.

Wups! Overzealous fixing, I suspect.  I won't have time to think about
this before I'm back, can you please add a TODO item to make a testcase
of this?

Jeff Bailey

"I'm torn...  My kink or my country..."
 - Anika Stafford

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