[Build-common-hackers] I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE
Natalia Sidorova
Thu, 27 Jan 2005 13:53:35 GMT
<table border=0 width="100%" cellpadding="8" cellpadding="8"><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><P><BR>Dear Sir/Madam,</P>
<P>I am Mrs Natalia Sidorova and personal assistant to Mr. Mikhail Khordokovsky the former C.E.O of the Russia's largest Oil company Yukos Oil Group who was arrested in his private jet by masked and armed members of the security police force (FSB) at a Siberian Airport in October 2003. He was charged with fraud, embezzlement and $3.4bn tax evasion charges. But this was part of Kremlin-inspired vendetta aimed at stripping the 41-year-old tycoon of his economic and political clout.</P>
<P>As it stands, the Russian authorities have been seeking the extradition of other high-profile Russian businessmen and Mr. Mikhail Khordokovsky close associates which I happen to be one, others include Platon Lebedev, Leonid Nevzlin, Vasily Shakhnovsky, Alexei Kurtsin, Boris Berezovsky, who has been granted asylum in the UK, and Gusinsky, who managed to argue against being sent back to Russia in both the Spanish and Greek Courts. I was once arrested for advising Mr. Mikhail Khordokovsky's provision of funds to opposition political parties and challenging of Kremlin policy as head of Yukos Oil Group. </P>
<P>But now, I have been released and placed under immigration security watchlist. I cannot make or answer telephone calls, my only means of communication for now is through email as I am seriously monitored. All I need from you is to assist me make claims of some funds totalling US$45 Million which was to be used in payment of an American Oil merchant for his last Oil deal with my boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky. This funds which had already left the shore of Russia to a security company somewhere in Spain for onward disbursement to the said merchant before the arrest of Mr. Mikhail Khodorkovsky is currently lying unclaimed following the arrest. </P>
<P>As soon as this money is claimed by you, I will look for a way to sneak out of Russia to meet with you so we can go into a life time partnership together in investing this money in your country or anywhere else you prefer. I have in my possession every necessary legal document to backup your claim. All I require is your honest cooperation.</P>
<P>I need not to remind you of the confidentiality which this transaction demands. I will appreciate if you could this proposal secret even if you do not want to assist me.</P>
<P>As I await your response, I would also want you to go though the below websites for more details: <BR><A href="http://newsfromrussia.com/main/2003/11/13/51215.html">http://newsfromrussia.com/main/2003/11/13/51215.html</A><BR><A href="http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/07/03/russia.yukos/index.html">http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/07/03/russia.yukos/index.html</A>.</P>
<P>Mrs Natalia Sidorova</P>
<P> </P></td></tr></table>