[Build-common-hackers] I Need Your Sincere Cooperation

deniscoleman025@i12.com deniscoleman025@i12.com
Thu, 23 Jun 2005 01:28:33 +0100

My dear friend, 


Please, I want to introduce myself and this business
opportunity to you.
My name is Denis Coleman,a bank accountant. 

I wish to know if we can work together.I would like
you to stand as the next of kin to my deceased client
who made some deposits to my bank.
He died without any registered next of kin and as such
the funds now have an open beneficiary
mandate.Moreover it appears you are related to him by
the virtue of your names. 

If you are interested you do let me know so that I can
give you comprehensive details on what we are to do. 

I urgently hope to get your response as soon as

Best  regards, 

Denis Coleman.