[Build-common-hackers] BUSINESS REQUEST

davebb02@terra.com.mx davebb02@terra.com.mx
Wed, 4 May 2005 15:35:35 +0100

FROM: Mr. David Alabi 

Dear Sir,

Good day to you, My name is Mr. David Alabi  ,Head corporate finance 
with Platinum Bank Ltd.

We had a foreign client an American national and a businessman named Engi=
Manfred Becker who deposited a huge sum of Money, with our bank. Eventual=
 Becker died as a result of a car accident  sometime in 1999 but since th=
we have not had anybody coming for the claims as the next of Kin.

A situation I have carefully monitored closely with my position in the ba=
Now having monitored this deposit and managed it over the years before hi=
death, and hence nobody has showed up as the next of Kin for the past fou=
(4) years plus, I have removed the file to my private vault. I now solici=
for your assistance to present you as the next of Kin to Engineer Manfred=

Becker as every other arrangement has been concluded by me and I am only
waiting for a foreigner to enable me move the funds to his account. This
does not have any risk attached to it, as I will handle all the Internal
Documentations and Perfections.

Your interest will be negotiable before we commence the operation.

I look forward to hearing from you as I heavily rely on your utmost since=
I expect your urgent response through this email: davealib@fsmail.net

Mr. David Alabi  
Email: davealib@fsmail.net

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