[Build-common-hackers] Enquiry / Hotel or Real Esta
george wood
Fri, 06 May 2005 17:25:48 GMT
<table border=0 width="100%" cellpadding="8" cellpadding="8"><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"><P>Goodday , </P>
<P>I am looking for your cooperation in building a Tourist<BR>Hotel or Real Estate in your country. I am sorry if this is<BR>not in line with your business.I need an experienced person<BR>like you to assist me to set up develop the project and<BR>assume responsibility of ownership as chairman but will be<BR>bringing in profit /distribute profit monthly or annually.<BR> <BR>However ,I got your email information on your Hotel contact<BR>list. your immediate reply will be highly appreciated and I<BR>shall give you more information on this project. </P>
<P>Please contact me at my private email address <BR><A href="mailto:georgewood22000@yahoo.co.uk">georgewood22000@yahoo.co.uk</A></P>
<P>Thanks and God bless. <BR>Mr George wood <BR> </P></td></tr></table><br><br><span style="font-family:monospace">-----------------------------------------------------------------------</span><br><span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;">Deja de trabajar para beneficiar a tu jefe. TRABAJA PARA TI Y DESDE CASA.<br><a href="http://banner.eresmas.com/adclick/CID=0000642ec858344d00000000/site=ERESMAS/area=ERESMAS.CORREO/aamsz=PIE_WEBMAIL" target="_blank">http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;16191576;7829128;u?http://www.trabajaportucuenta.com?pub=82</a></span><br>