[Build-common-hackers] YOUR ASSISTANCE

BELLO ZAMANI bellozamani@eresmas.com
Sun, 15 May 2005 19:17:24 GMT

=3Ctable border=3D0 width=3D=22100=25=22 cellpadding=3D=228=22  cellpaddi=
ng=3D=228=22=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd bgcolor=3D=22=23ffffff=22=3E=3CP=3E=26nbsp=3B=
=26nbsp=3B FEDERAL MINISTRY WORKS =26amp=3B HOUSING=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=26n=
nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B 129 FEDERAL SECRETARIAT ROAD=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B=
=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B WUSE ABUJA C=
APITAL =3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3BFROM THE DESK OF =3CBR=3E=26nb=
=3CP=3E=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EGREETINGS=2C=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EI =
am Bello Zamani=2C the director of Contract Awards and Finance Allocation=
s of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing=2E I presided over the awa=
rd of the building of the federal government satellite housing estates at=
 Karu=2C in Abuja=2C the new federal capital city of Nigeria=2E=3CBR=3E=26=
nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EDuring the bid for the contract=2C I had a pact with the e=
ventual winner of the bid and the contractor of the project to inflate th=
e contract sum to the tune of US=242=2E5 Million Dollars=2E The contract =
has since been executed=2C and job completion certificate duly awarded=2E=
 Furthermore=2C the payment for the contract has been fully made to the c=
ontractor leaving behind the over-inflated amount of US=242=2E5 Million D=
ollars=2C which I have secured under contract ref=2E No=3A FMWH/FRN/108X0=
1/2002=2E=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EThe problem now is that as a senior ci=
vil servant=2C I am prohibited by the civil service code from running a p=
rivate business or foreign bank account=2E Moreover=2C I am required to d=
eclare my assets annually with the civil service commission for verificat=
ion and clearance=2C and therefore=2C=3CBR=3Ecannot defend this large amo=
unt of money as an addition to my assets without compromising my reputati=
on and the impeccable records I have achieved over the years=2E Therefore=
=2C I need your cooperation as a foreigner to send to me your company nam=
e or personal name=2C which I will present as a sub-contractor in the exe=
cution of the project/contract to claim the fund on my behalf=2E=3CBR=3E=26=
nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EFor volunteering your cooperation in this deal=2C you are =
entitled to 20=25 of the fund=2E Should this be acceptable to you=2C kind=
ly indicate in writing and confirm the following=3A=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CB=
R=3E=26nbsp=3B1Telephone and fax numbers for prompt communication=2E=3CBR=
=3E=26nbsp=3B2 Bank name=2C address and account number where the fund wil=
l be moved=2E=3CBR=3E3 Full name of company and address or personal name =
and address that will serve as the=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B beneficiary/sub-co=
ntractor to claim the fund=26nbsp=3B =3C/P=3E
=3CP=3E=26nbsp=3BFurthermore=2C as soon as this fund is transferred into =
your bank account=2C I will require you to still act as my agent in inves=
ting my share in estates/landed properties and financial securities in yo=
ur country=2E=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EI want to emphasize here that this=
 deal is free from any form of risk from both parties as great care has b=
een exercise in perfecting it=2C and therefore=2C I enjoin you to approac=
h it with an open mind and without any fear whatsoever=2E As a deal=2C I =
make haste to advise that you should be private about it=2E=3CBR=3E=26nbs=

span style=3D=22font-family=3Amonospace=22=3E----------------------------=
-------------------------------------------=3C/span=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan sty=
le=3D=22font-family=3Averdana=3Bfont-size=3A11px=3B=22=3EINGRESOS EXTRAS=2E=
 Gana hasta 9=2E000=80 trabajando desde casa a tiempo parcial=2E=3Cbr=3E=3C=
a href=3D=22http=3A//banner=2Eeresmas=2Ecom/adclick/CID=3D0000647cc858344=