[Build-common-hackers] FRIENDSHIP
St.michael Adams idi
Thu, 19 May 2005 02:07:31 GMT
=3Ctable border=3D0 width=3D=22100=25=22 cellpadding=3D=228=22 cellpaddi=
ng=3D=228=22=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd bgcolor=3D=22=23ffffff=22=3E=3CP=3E=3CSPAN s=
tyle=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT-FAMILY=3A monos=
pace=2C courier=22=3EPhone=3A (24 hours)=3A 234 802 764 0445=3CBR=3EEmail=
=3A =3CA href=3D=22mailto=3Amicam500=40hotmail=2Ecom=22=3Emicam500=40hotm=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3EI am the chairman of the contract aw=
ard committee of the oil ministry here in Nigeria=2C for =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Esecurity reasons=2C I may not wish t=
o disclose how I got your email address for now=2E=3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3EAfter due deliberation with my partn=
er=2C I decided to forward to you this business proposal=2C =3C/SPAN=3E=3C=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Ewe want you to assist us receive the=
sum of =3CBR=3ETwenty eight million=2C six hundred thousand united state=
bills=3CBR=3E(us28=2E6m) into your account=2E This fund resulted from an=
over-invoiced contract awarded by =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Eus under the budget allocation to my=
ministry and the bill was approved for payment by the =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Econcerned ministries=2E The contract=
was executed=2C commissioned and the contractor was paid =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Ehis actual cost of the contract=2E N=
ow=2C we are left with the balance of us28=2E6m as the over =3C/SPAN=3E=3C=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Einvoiced amount=2C which we have del=
iberately over estimated for our own use=2E Please note =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Ethat the law forbids civil servants =
to operate or own foreign accounts hence this contact=2C =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Ewe have agreed to share the money in=
the following percentages=3A 30 for you=2C 60 for us 10 =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Efor tax as may be required by your g=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3ENote that this transaction is very m=
uch free from all sorts of risk hence the business was =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Ecarefully planned before it was succ=
essfully executed and we the officials involved in the =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Edeal have put many years in service =
to our ministry=2E We have been exercising patience for =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Ethis privilege for so long not until=
the presidential announcement last week=2C that all =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Eforeign contractors owed be paid for=
thwith=2C this will enable the presidency reconcile our =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Edebt ratio with the outside world an=
d to most of us=2C this is a lifetime blessing we cannot =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Eafford to miss=2E Upon indication of=
your interest to fully co-operate with us=2C a payment =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Eapplication/information form will be=
sent to you via email for completion=2E =3CBR=3ENote that the following =
information=3A a) bankers name and address=2C b) account number and =3C/S=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Eaccount name and c) your private pho=
ne number and email address will enable us seek/secure =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Eapproval of the fund from the concer=
ned government quarters/ministries within 3-4 banking =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Edays=2E =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3EAs soon as we confirm receipt of thi=
s money in your nominated bank account=2C my partner and =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3EI will come over to your country to =
arrange for our own share and possibly invest part of =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Ethis money in your country=2E=3C/SPA=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3ELet honesty and trust be our watchwo=
rd throughout this transaction=2E I shall furnish you =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3Ewith some details about myself=2E Yo=
ur prompt reply will be highly appreciated=2E=26nbsp=3B =3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3EBest regards=2E=3C/SPAN=3E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3EEngr=2E Adams=2E I=2E ST=2E MICHAEL=3C=
=3CP=3E=3CSPAN style=3D=22FONT-SIZE=3A 11px=3B COLOR=3A =23000000=3B FONT=
-FAMILY=3A monospace=2C courier=22=3E=3CBR=3E=3C/SPAN=3E=26nbsp=3B=3C/P=3E=
=3C/td=3E=3C/tr=3E=3C/table=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22font-fam=
-------------------=3C/span=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22font-family=3Ave=
rdana=3Bfont-size=3A11px=3B=22=3EINGRESOS EXTRAS=2E Gana hasta 9=2E000=80=
trabajando desde casa a tiempo parcial=2E=3Cbr=3E=3Ca href=3D=22http=3A/=
SMAS/area=3DERESMAS=2ECORREO/aamsz=3DPIE=5FWEBMAIL=22 target=3D=22=5Fblan=