Bug#393665: [Build-common-hackers] Bug#393665: cdbs: FTBFS: build
depends on db2latex-xsl, which was removed from testing
Frank Küster
frank at kuesterei.ch
Tue Oct 17 18:15:14 UTC 2006
Loïc Minier <lool at dooz.org> wrote:
> reassign 393665 db2latex-xsl
> stop
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2006, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
>> E: Couldn't find package db2latex-xsl
> [...]
>> The rebuilt was done on about 40 AMD64 nodes of the Grid'5000 platform,
>> using a chroot containing an etch environment (not unstable).
> Buildds are configured for unstable, so this is the source of the
> problem as db2latex-xsl isn't in testing:
> db2latex-xsl | 0.8pre1-5 | stable | source, all
> db2latex-xsl | 0.8pre1-6.1 | unstable | source, all
> I'm not sure it's useful to report such bugs to the BTS, there are
> probably plenty.
I fail to understand. Or maybe you missed that db2latex-xsl wasn't just
removed recently and temporarily in order to ease some transition. It
has been removed a while ago, and I don't see any chance of its
reinclusion into etch. It seems it is quite dead upstream (as you might
remember, you've researched that yourself, too), and nobody seems to
care for it.
The result would be that cdbs is unbuildable in etch, which the security
and release teams won't like. I don't want to play BTS ping-pong, but I
think this bug should be re-reassigned to cdbs, and it should be patched
to use dblatex instead of db2latex-xsl, or whatever docbook converter
you prefer.
Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)
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