No subject

Tue May 12 06:44:55 UTC 2009

Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship wi=
th you.&nbsp=3B I am&nbsp=3B Miss Susan Emma the only daugther of late Mr a=
nd Mrs Henry Emma from the republic of sierra loene. My father was a very w=
ealthy cocoa merchant based in Abidjan=2C the economic capital of Cote D'Iv=
oire before he was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of t=
heir outing to discuss on a business deal.<BR>When my mother died on the 21=
st October 1984=2C my father took me so special because I am motherless. Be=
fore the death of my father on 27th June 2003 in a private hospital here in=
 Abidjan. He secretly called me on his bedside and told me that he has a su=
m of $15 Million&nbsp=3B left in opne of the Banks&nbsp=3B here in Cote d'i=
voire=2C that he used my name as her only daugther for the next of kin in d=
eposit of the consignment.<BR>Further more he also explained to me that it =
was because of this wealth and some huge amount of money his business assoc=
iates supposed to balance him from the deal they had that he was been poiso=
ned.He then advised that I should seek for a God fearing foreign partner in=
 a country of my choice who will assist me transfer this money and use it f=
or investment purpose=2C then I would want you to&nbsp=3B provide your pers=
onal Bank Account Informations where this Fund will be transferred to you a=
s my chosen Beneficiary including your phone/fax number for easier communic=
ation.<BR>I am honourably seeking your assistance in the following ways.<BR=
>1) I want you to help me Transfer&nbsp=3B this money from the Bank here&nb=
sp=3B to your Nominated Bank account for onward investment in your country.=
<BR>2) You are going to be the manager of this fund and also my personal gu=
ardian until I finished my studies as I'm just 23 years old..<BR>3) You are=
 going to procure admission for me to continue my studies in one of the kno=
wn university in your country.<BR>4) Moreover=2C I am willing to offer you =
15% of the sum as compensation for effort input after the successful in Tra=
nsfering this money&nbsp=3B from the Bank&nbsp=3B here. And I am willing to=
 proceed with you as soon as I have your response. <BR>&nbsp=3B <BR>Anticip=
ating to hear from you soon.<BR>Miss Susan Emma<BR></body>


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