[Build-common-hackers] (no subject)

cpmc_bangalore at hathway.com cpmc_bangalore at hathway.com
Sat May 30 13:35:11 UTC 2009

Good Day, 

My name is Mr. Song Li le I am the credit officer in Hang 
Seng Bank, Hong Kong. I have a business proposal in the tune of 
$19.5m, after the successful transfer, we shall share in ratio of 30% 
for you and 70% for me.Should you be interested, please contact me 
through my private email (mr.songlile42 at yahoo.com.hk) 

So we can commence all arrangements and I will give you more 
information on how we would handle this project.

Please treat this business with utmost confidentiality and send me 

the following for documentation purpose:
(1)Full names:
(2)Private phone number:
(3)Current residential address:
(4)Occupation & Profession:
(5)Age & Sex:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,

Mr. Song Li le
email:mr.songlile42 at yahoo.com.hk

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