[Build-common-hackers] pd-pkg-tools
IOhannes zmölnig
zmoelnig at iem.at
Fri Dec 3 15:25:30 UTC 2010
first of all: is this really the official mailinglist for cdbs?
looking at the archives, it contains about 80% spam...
2nd: i'm currently not subscribed to this list, so please CC me.
i'm part of the pkg-multimedia team, where i'm mainly concerned with
packaging puredata (aka pd; a graphical real-time language for
audio/media processing) related libraries. jonas smedegaard is part of
that team too, and he has a strong tendency to push people towards cdbs.
so i eventually started using cdbs (a bit :-))
now since there are loads and loads of small pd-libraries that need
packaging, the idea arose to have some of the work offloaded into a
centralized system.
thus is started a package pd-pkg-tools (modelled after ruby-pkg-tools)
to provide this centralized infrastructure.
i started with some small cdbs snippets, and put that into my repository
at github: https://github.com/umlaeute/pd-pkg-tools
jonas immediately turned the idea of this package down, and instead
suggested to try incorporating those snippets directly into cdbs.
so here i am.
jonas, you have comments on my coding style :-)
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