[Build-common-hackers] a WAF class for CDBS

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Tue Dec 21 20:07:19 UTC 2010

Hi Rémi,

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 08:20:01PM +0100, Rémi Thebault wrote:
>I'm a newbie packager and a waf build system user.
>I gave some of my time to design a new cdbs class for waf.

It looks great!

>there are 2 optional variables that can be set by packagers:
>$(DEB_WAF_OPTIONS) which is appended to configuration options
>$(DEB_WAF_ENV) which is prepended to the invocation

Documentation is lacking behind.  Especially included docook 

I suggest to at least include notes on above variables, inside the 
snippet itself, in the same style as the debhelper.mk snippet.  That 
helps catching up later on doing proper documentation.

>It seems to work fine but I only tested it on a very simple package 
>calling directly debian/rules targets.

I have very little experience with waf-based build routines myself, so 
suggest to start with this and improve as others hopefully start using 
it and report back any flexibility or other tweaks they need from it.

>I attached the files :    waf.mk and waf-vars.mk
>If you find this script not robust enough to fit a production
>environment, please tell me how I can improve or test it.
>I hope this will lead to a CDBS update soon !

I am happy to adopt the files.  But even better would be if you could be 
persuaded to a) join our mailinglist and b) commit the files yourself.  
In other words: would you like to join the CDBS team to look after these 
snippets yourself?

Kind regards,

  - Jonas

  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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