[Build-common-hackers] Hello Dear !!!

Dana Carey Hill akc418 at aol.com
Fri Jun 4 13:23:02 UTC 2010



Hello Friend,

Forgive me if this comes to you as a surprise because we do not know each other in person. I have picked-up the trust and courage to look for a reliable and honest person like you who will be capable for this transaction believing that you will never let me down either now or in the future.

My name is Mr. Dana Carey Hill, I work with Newcastle International Airport, UK. I am in charge of the Airport security warehouse and I discovered consignment (SAVE TRUNK BOX) that has been in our custody for a long time (One year), nobody has come for it. I decided to scan it and I found out that the consignment is $100 US Dollars bills through out which worth $7Million US Dollars.

My reason of contacting you is for us to work together as one family, so that you can stand as the owner of the consignment and I will make sure that the consignment comes to you without any problem. After we have successfully secure the consignment we are going to share the money 60/40 among us and when you are in custody of the fund you will use my share of the funds to invest in any lucrative business till I arrive in your country.

I am doing this because I am going to retire soon from my work and I want to have enough money to take care of my life/family on my pension period. I am ready to enter into agreement with you for the business to avoid breach of contract.

If you are ready to do this business with me I want you to keep this confidential and provide me with your information so we can keep in touch and I will detail you more.

Reply Immediately at danacareyhill1948 at yahoo.com

Kind Regards,
Mr.Dana Carey Hill
Tel; +447024045810

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