[Build-common-hackers] Lace and E. P. Roe! The whole repertory of the pedagogues had been fought thr
Conedy Lipsie
inequitable at avmacs.co.uk
Thu Mar 18 20:03:51 UTC 2010
Keness to the brummagem emotion-squeezers of the Kipling
type, with their playhouse fustian and their naive ethical cocksureness. The thing that sets off Conrad from these facile
fellows, and from the shallow
pseudo-realists who so often coalesce with them and become indistinguishable
from them, is precisely his quality of irony, and that irony is no more
than a proof of the greater maturity of his personal
culture, his essential superiority as a civilized man. It is the old difference between a Huxley and a Gladstone, a philosophy that is profound and a philosophy that is merely comfortable, "_Quid est veritas?_" and "Thus
saith the Lord!" He brings into the English fiction of the day, not only an artistry that is vast
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