[Build-common-hackers] Bug#695367: Bug#695367: [cdbs] Please, backport the fix to wheezy.

Petr Gajdůšek gajdusek.petr at centrum.cz
Mon Jun 17 02:50:07 UTC 2013

Ne 16. červen 2013, 02:46:08 CEST
Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> napsal:

> I fail to see how the relevancy of such fix for Wheezy.  Yes, I do
> see the relevancy for a backporting by a strict rule only allowing to 
> contaminate the final system, not contaminate the build-environment
> with other backported build-dependencies - but such stric rule is
> then evidently not helping you in situations like this.  So relax
> that rule and backport CDBS - should be seemlessly backportable even
> to oldstable.

Hi Jonas,
thanks for quick reply. 

I actually use the (privately) backported version, but I thought if the
fix will go to stable, version uploaded to backports will complicate

Thanks for clarification, I will push the backport to wheezy-backports.
Note I am not the DD nor DM, and I do not use cdbs much, but I will try
to track changes and update backports as needed.

Cheers, Petr

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