[Build-common-hackers] Fastbase Inc. Pre-IPO: Invitation to buy shares with discount

Fastbase Inc investors at companypressdistribution.com
Wed Apr 11 07:04:21 UTC 2018

Invitation to buy shares with discount in Fastbase Inc. Pre-IPO
You are invited through our network to join our Pre-IPO.
Fastbase is preparing its public listing on the AIM London Stock
Exchange in Q2, 2018. You have the opportunity to purchase up to
25,000 shares at US$ 1.92 per share including discount.
The closing date for reserving shares is
April 20, 2018 9PM (EST)
To reserve your shares now, contact us at investor at fastbase.com
Fastbase Investor Relations ➔
Lead Generation for Google Analytics.
Most of all, however, we are proud to say that Fastbase became the
most employed lead generation tool for Google Analytics, worldwide!
– analyzing the incredible number of up to 7.5 billion website
visitors daily from all of the +700.000 Web leads users. Sign in with
Google Analytics
for free.
Investing: Fastbase, Inc. Stock Has Big Chance To Skyrocket
LOS ANGELES, CA – 12-11-2017 — We’re heading into the final
stretch of Q4 and it’s time to take a look at the next big
investments for 2018. For investors looking to get in before the rest
of the world catches on, we have found a promising young tech firm
that has strong growth potential in 2018.
Read full article in The Daily Telescope
Rasmus Refer, CEO
Fastbase Inc.
+45 20 300 606
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