[Buildd-tools-devel] propsal: Removing $mailto requirement

Michael Banck mbanck@debian.org
Wed, 6 Oct 2004 17:28:47 +0200


currently, sbuild mandates that $mailto is set, which means it will
always send a mail. I was using sbuild on a non-network-connected box a
lot over the last weeks, and nullmailer (probably due to me
misconfiguring it) tried to mail stuff all the time, failed, and flooded
/var/log with tens of useless megabytes.

Looking at the source, it seems that during every call to mailing stuff,
$mailto is checked for being set. So just removing the intial check for
$mailto being set should make sbuild work without mailing stuff. If you
want to get mail, just put $mailto into your ~/.sbuilrc.

Is that reasonable?


--- sbuild.orig 2004-10-06 17:26:08.000000000 +0200
+++ sbuild      2004-10-06 17:26:14.000000000 +0200
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
        if !-x $conf::apt_cache;
 die "$conf::log_dir is not a directory\n" if ! -d $conf::log_dir;
 die "$conf::srcdep_lock_dir is not a directory\n" if ! -d $conf::srcdep_lock_dir;
-die "conf::mailto not set\n" if !$conf::mailto;
 package main;

 use strict;