[Buildd-tools-devel] Bug#354344: Fix in 354344 breaks plain chroots

Steve M. Robbins steven.robbins at videotron.ca
Mon Jul 3 21:35:32 UTC 2006


The bug report requested to use --rbind rather than --bind
for session-managed plain chroots.

However; the patch to setup/10mount that you posted, Roger, 
includes an extra bit:

-	do_mount "-t proc"    "proc"     "${CHROOT_PATH}/proc"
-	do_mount "-o rw,bind" "/dev/pts" "${CHROOT_PATH}/dev/pts"
-	do_mount "-t tmpfs"   "tmpfs"    "${CHROOT_PATH}/dev/shm"
-	do_mount "-o rw,bind" "/home"    "${CHROOT_PATH}/home"
-	do_mount "-o rw,bind" "/tmp"     "${CHROOT_PATH}/tmp"
+	if [ "$CHROOT_TYPE" != "plain" ]; then
+	    do_mount "-t proc"    "proc"     "${CHROOT_PATH}/proc"
+	    do_mount "-o rw,bind" "/dev/pts" "${CHROOT_PATH}/dev/pts"
+	    do_mount "-t tmpfs"   "tmpfs"    "${CHROOT_PATH}/dev/shm"
+	    do_mount "-o rw,bind" "/home"    "${CHROOT_PATH}/home"
+	    do_mount "-o rw,bind" "/tmp"     "${CHROOT_PATH}/tmp"
+	fi

In short, you disabled mounting /home when using a plain type
of chroot.  Clearly this is deliberate.  How may I obtain the
original behaviour?


P.S.  Why is this a desirable change?

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