[Buildd-tools-devel] dchroot not working

Mauricio Ortiz Calvao orca at if.ufrj.br
Sun Jul 23 14:35:48 UTC 2006


Sorry for the silly message but I have seen Roger Leigh stating under 
debian-user mailing list that this buildd one would be another appropriate 
list as well for dchroot related questions...

My problem is: I have a sarge i386 installation in my desktop and have 
recently decided to check the status of etch release, particularly as 
regards openoffice 2.0 and gfortran. I installed the etch chroot according 
to the instructions of the Debian reference and the site 
debian-administration. Under the chroot itself everything seems to be 
working fine; however when I try to dchroot (either as normal or root 
user) from the sarge system, via

$ dchroot -c etch -d openoffice

the following text pops up:

(etch) openoffice
/usr/bin/openoffice: line 7: my: command not found
/usr/bin/openoffice: line 9: my: command not found
/usr/bin/openoffice: line 11: my: command not found
/usr/bin/openoffice: openoffice: line 13: syntax error near unexpected 
token `{'
/usr/bin/openoffice: openoffice: line 13: `if ($SystemInstallDir =~ /^@/) 
dchroot: Child exited non-zero.
dchroot: Operation failed.

Could you give me any help?

PS: I have posted a similar message under debian-user some minutes ago...


PROF. MAURICIO O. CALVAO                       
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Institute of Physics, P. O. Box 68528
CEP 21941-972 Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Home page: http://www.if.ufrj.br/~orca/
E-mail: orca at if.ufrj.br
Phone: (55)(21)2562-7483

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