[Buildd-tools-devel] schroot >< dchroot

Luk Claes luk at debian.org
Sun Jun 11 18:56:28 UTC 2006

Roger Leigh wrote:
> Roger Leigh <rleigh at whinlatter.ukfsn.org> writes:
>> Luk Claes <luk at debian.org> writes:
>> Hi,
>>> I recently took over dchroot without knowing about schroot. It seems
>>> schroot has everything dchroot has and much more. Don't you think it
>>> would be best to drop dchroot in favor of schroot? If so, maybe it would
>>> be a good idea for you to ship a transitional dchroot package in schroot?
>> We already do :)
>> $ dpkg -s schroot | grep dchroot
>> Replaces: dchroot
>> Provides: dchroot
>> Conflicts: dchroot
>>  schroot shares most of its options with dchroot, but offers vastly
>>  more functionality.  A dchroot compatibility wrapper is also
>>  provided, offering the same functionality as the dchroot package.
> I forgot to mention in my previous mail that if you did decide to drop
> dchroot, we could split out this dchroot wrapper into a separate
> dchroot package (with an appropriate version number bump).

Ok, I filed a removal request for dchroot (#372790). Could you add me to
the alioth project (my account name is luk as you'd probably have
guessed)? I'll try to help maintaining schroot and sbuild.



Luk Claes - http://people.debian.org/~luk - GPG key 1024D/9B7C328D
Fingerprint:   D5AF 25FB 316B 53BB 08E7   F999 E544 DE07 9B7C 328D

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