[Buildd-tools-devel] sbuild 0.47 released

Roger Leigh rleigh at whinlatter.ukfsn.org
Sat Jun 17 11:17:42 UTC 2006

Hi folks,

I have released sbuild version 0.47.  It is tagged in SVN as

This release contains a number of small bugfixes:

  * bin/checkchroot: Correct uninitialised value warnings due to using an
    undefined variable (Closes: #369709).
  * bin/chrapt, bin/updatechroot, bin/upgradechroot: When chroot_mode is
    "schroot", chdir to / to ensure the CWD exists inside the chroot.
    Thanks for Clint Adams for finding this (Closes: #372806).
  * sbuild: fetch_source_files: When running apt-cache, check if we got
    valid output, and warn appropriately if the output is invalid
    (Closes: #369707).  Output may be invalid if there are no deb-src
    lines in /etc/apt/sources.list in the chroot.
  * Sbuild/Conf.pm: Remove $Sbuild::Conf::log_dir checks.
  * Sbuild/Log.pm.in: If $Sbuild::Conf::log_dir does not exist, try to
    create it, and if this fails, warn and log to stdout
    (Closes: #369718).


Roger Leigh
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