Bug#367885: [Buildd-tools-devel] Bug#367885: schroot: schroot: FTBFS for sarge-backports, all archs

Roger Leigh rleigh at whinlatter.ukfsn.org
Sun May 21 20:33:06 UTC 2006

René van Bevern <rvb at debian.org> writes:

> René van Bevern <rvb at debian.org> writes:
>> It's the same situation for the backports.org buildds, with the
>> exception that unfortunately not all autobuilders backports.org are
>> patched. (arm, mipsel, I can't do anything about those, though)
> Okay, I've further investigated it and it looks as these buildds are
> working correctly and just are lacking some of your build dependencies
> still. (it's definitive not my day)
> So everything should work fine if you specify all of your
> build-dependencies correctly, as explained in my previous message. :-)

I /think/ I've got it right.  I've changed:

Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), autotools-dev, pkg-config (>=
0.20), libpam 0g-dev (>= 0.79-2bpo1), uuid-dev, liblockdev1-dev (>=
1.0.2-0bpo1), libboost-dev , libboost-program-options-dev, gettext,


Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), autotools-dev, pkg-config (>=
0.20), libpam 0g-dev (>= 0.79-2bpo1), libpam0g (= 0.79-2bpo1),
uuid-dev, liblockdev1-dev (>= 1 .0.2-0bpo1), liblockdev1 (=
1.0.2-0bpo1), libboost-dev, libboost-program-options -dev, gettext,

I'm not sure of the pkg-config dependency, though.

I've uploaded that as schroot_0.2.9-0bpo2, but it hasn't been
autobuilt yet.


Roger Leigh
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