[Buildd-tools-devel] Bug#477788: why not use the device-mapper?

Ferenc Wagner wferi at niif.hu
Tue Feb 24 20:30:58 UTC 2009

martin f krafft <madduck at debian.org> writes:

> also sprach Ferenc Wagner <wferi at niif.hu> [2009.02.24.2033 +0100]:
>>  * lvm-snapshot: clean, but the chroot source LVs have to be large
>>    enough to accomodate the build process, even though this space is
>>    always unused by the minimal chroot environments themselves.  Thus
>>    it potentially wastes a lot of space.
> I solved this by forcing builds to take place in /build and mounting
> a 10Gb LV as /build in every chroot. The possible double use of the
> same filesystem by multiple chroots was the reason for #478044.

Sounds like a much simpler solution.  I will think about this.

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