[buildd-tools-devel] [GIT] sbuild annotated tag, release/sbuild-0.53, updated. release/sbuild-0.33

Roger Leigh rleigh at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jun 13 18:16:00 UTC 2009

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "sbuild".

The annotated tag, release/sbuild-0.53 has been updated
        to  9ac006e41a830dd720eb3e87bc7646d9aa9018c9 (tag)
      from  7a24e0cc26eb28afab7a9b3442bb0339c0014744 (which is now obsolete)
   tagging  2d7a93b856158f5e6c0e7a9736156842386da312 (commit)
  replaces  debian/sbuild-0.58.3-1
 tagged by  Roger Leigh
        on  Sat Jun 13 19:15:27 2009 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
sbuild version 0.53
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Roger Leigh (20):
      [man] Update sbuild.1 references
      [build] Bump version to 0.58.4
      [debian] Bump version to 0.58.4-1
      [Sbuild::Conf] Always purge packages by default
      [Sbuild::*] Add PURGE_BUILD_DEPS option to control build-dep removal
      [debian] Close #528312
      [sbuild] Use isin from Sbuild
      [debian] Close #529470
      [Sbuild] Use Filesys::Df in place of df
      [debian] Close #509133
      [Sbuild::Chroot] Allow use of setsid when running commands
      [Sbuild::Build] SIGALRM handler calls kill with correct quoting
      [Sbuild::Chroot] Add get_option method to get option value
      [sbuild] Only clean up if there is a valid current job
      [Sbuild::Chroot] Execute programs using execvp directly
      [Sbuild::Utility] Don't open log file
      [Sbuild::ChrootSetup] Move shell invocation from sbuild-shell
      [Sbuild::Conf] check_group_membership uses getgroups(2)
      Use dpkg --print-architecture in place of dpkg --print-installation-architecture
      [Sbuild::ChrootSetup] Add list_packages and set_package_status



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