[Buildd-tools-devel] Bug#520755: Bug#520755: Reports chroot is not available

Roger Leigh rleigh at codelibre.net
Sun Mar 22 16:33:21 UTC 2009

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 05:02:07PM +0100, Julian Andres Klode wrote:
> Today, I upgraded my system from Lenny to unstable, and now sbuild does
> not work anymore, although schroot and sbuild-shell work. This prevents
> me from building my packages, which is bad.
> More detailed, the schroot succeeds in creating the chroot, the relevant
> things are mounted, etc. But after they are mounted, sbuild just aborts
> with "unstable chroot does not exist".
> Setting up chroot unstable (session id sid-32043418-334b-4a58-a0ea-03f2a5046691)
> Found schroot chroot: sid-32043418-334b-4a58-a0ea-03f2a5046691
>   Location 
>   Priority 0
>   Session Purged 0
> unstable chroot does not exist

That's running this code:

    my $info = $self->get('Chroots')->get_info($schroot_session);
        if (defined($info) &&
            defined($info->{'Location'}) && -d $info->{'Location'}) {
            $self->set('Priority', $info->{'Priority'});
            $self->set('Location', $info->{'Location'});
            $self->set('Session Purged', $info->{'Session Purged'});
    } else {
        die $self->get('Chroot ID') . " chroot does not exist\n";

So, either $info isn't defined, or $info->Location isn't defined
or the directory does not exist.

Could you take a look at the output of 'schroot -i -c <session-id>'?
Look at the values of Location, Mount Location, and Path.  Are any
of these defined?  Are they the same, and do these directories


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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