[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#545215: [PATCH] Please support saving chroot to tarball in sbuild-createchroot

Andres Mejia mcitadel at gmail.com
Sat Sep 12 17:29:59 UTC 2009

tags 545215 patch

I've implemented this feature I would like for sbuild. Here are my patches.

Here's an example of how to run sbuild-createchroot to create a file type chroot.

$ sudo sbuild-createchroot \
           --make-tarball=/var/cache/sbuild/sbuild.tar.gz \
           sid `mktemp -d` \

It's in the manpage as well. The new option here is '--make-tarball=FILE'. This 
will create a chroot for sbuild and save it as 
'/var/cache/sbuild/sbuild.tar.gz'. It uses a temporary directory for the 
'TARGET' which is removed by default once creating the chroot is finished. The 
option '--keep-sbuildchroot-dir' can be used to keep the 'TARGET' that's been 
created instead.

With this, I also went ahead and changed sbuild-update to allow for apt-get 
update, upgrade, and dist-upgrade to be run in a single session. This is so that 
there's no need to keep unpacking and repacking the file type chroot with sbuild-
update, sbuild-upgrade, and sbuild-distupgrade. With this, sbuild-upgrade and 
sbuild-distupgrade has been deprecated since their respective functions are now 
run by sbuild-update. The manpage explains how to use sbuild-update.

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