[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#587758: Bug#587758: Bug#587758: schroot - Allows access to complete /dev by default

Roger Leigh rleigh at codelibre.net
Sun Dec 5 19:23:32 UTC 2010

tags 587758 + fixed-upstream pending

On Thu, Jul 01, 2010 at 02:06:04PM +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 01, 2010 at 02:47:59PM +0200, Bastian Blank wrote:
> > Since some version, schroot mounts the complete /dev from the host. This
> > is a security risk and not documented in the changelog.
> I'll better document this.  We now have a "minimal" (and "sbuild")
> profile which do not mount /dev.  Previously, default/fstab would
> mount /dev, /dev/pts and /dev/shm so this is not changed from
> earlier releases; however, rbinging /dev does mean any filesystems
> mounted in addition to these three will be made available inside the
> chroot.  For most users, there is no change at all to /dev mounting;
> do you have any other filesystems mounted under /dev in addition to
> these three?

I've documented this generally in schroot.conf(5).  Hope this is OK for
you.  The relevant excerpts follow and I've attached a complete copy
to this mail; I can update them further if you'd like anything making
clearer or anything additional doing.


SCHROOT.CONF(5)                  Debian sbuild                 SCHROOT.CONF(5)
   General options
              The behaviour of the chroot setup scripts may be customised on a
              per-chroot basis by providing a shell script which  the  scripts
              will source.  The filename is relative to @SCHROOT_SYSCONF_DIR at .
              The default  filename  is  'default/config'.   Alternatives  are
              'minimal/config'  (minimal configuration), 'desktop/config' (for
              running desktop applications in the chroot,  making  more  func-
              tionality  from  the  host  system  available in the chroot) and
              'sbuild/config' (for using the chroot for Debian package  build-

              Desktop users should note that the fstab file desktop/fstab will
              need editing if you  use  gdm3.   The  preserve-environment  key
              should  also  be  set  to 'true' so that the environment is pre-
              served inside the chroot.

              If none of the configuration profiles provided above  meet  your
              needs, then they may be edited to further customise them, and/or
              copied and used as a template for entirely new  profiles.   Set-
              tings for specific chroots may also be set in a single script by
              using conditionals checking the chroot name and/or  type.   Note
              that  the  script will be sourced once for each and every script
              invocation, and must be idempotent.  The file  format  is  docu-
              mented in schroot-script-config(5).

              Note  that the different profiles have different security impli-
              cations; see the section "Security" below for further details.
   Untrusted users
       Note  that  giving  untrusted users root access to chroots is a serious
       security risk!  Although the untrusted user will only have root  access
       to  files inside the chroot, in practice there are many obvious ways of
       breaking out of the chroot and of disrupting services on the host  sys-
       tem.  As always, this boils down to trust.

       Do  not  give chroot root access to users you would not trust with root
       access to the host system.

       Depending upon which profile you have configured with the script-config
       option,  different  filesystems  will be mounted inside the chroot, and
       different files will be copied into the chroot  from  the  host.   Some
       profiles  will mount the host's /dev, while others will not.  Some pro-
       files also bind mount additional parts of the host filesystem in  order
       to allow use of certain features, including user's home directories and
       specific parts of /var.  Check the profile's fstab file to  be  certain
       of what will be mounted, and the other profile files to see which files
       and system databases will be copied into the chroot.  Choose a  differ-
       ent  profile  or edit the files to further restrict what is made avail-
       able inside the chroot.

       There is a tradeoff between security (keeping the chroot as minimal  as
       possible)  and  usability  (which sometimes requires access to parts of
       the host filesystem).  The different profiles make different tradeoffs,
       and  it is important that you assess which meets the security/usability
       tradeoff you require.

  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
 `. `'   Printing on GNU/Linux?       http://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/
   `-    GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848   Please GPG sign your mail.
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.\" Copyright © 2005-2010  Roger Leigh <rleigh at debian.org>
.\" schroot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
.\" under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
.\" the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
.\" (at your option) any later version.
.\" schroot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
.\" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.\" General Public License for more details.
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
.\" along with this program.  If not, see
.\" <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
.TH SCHROOT.CONF 5 "05 Dec 2010" "Version 1.4.16" "Debian sbuild"
schroot.conf \- chroot definition file for schroot
\f[BI]schroot.conf\fP is a plain UTF-8 text file, describing the chroots
available for use with schroot.
Comments are introduced following a \[oq]\f[CR]\[sh]\fP\[cq] (\[lq]hash\[rq])
character at the beginning of a line, or following any other text.  All text
right of the \[oq]\f[CR]\[sh]\fP\[cq] is treated as a comment.
The configuration format is an INI-style format, split into groups of key-value
pairs separated by section names in square brackets.
.SS General options
A chroot is defined as a group of key-value pairs, which is started by a name
in square brackets on a line by itself.  The file may contain multiple groups
which therefore define multiple chroots.
A chroot definition is started by the name of the chroot in square brackets.
For example,
This is then followed by several key-value pairs, one per line:
The type of the chroot.  Valid types are \[oq]plain\[cq], \[oq]directory\[cq],
\[oq]file\[cq], \[oq]loopback\[cq], \[oq]block\-device\[cq],
\[oq]btrfs\-snapshot\[cq] and \[oq]lvm\-snapshot\[cq].  If empty or omitted,
the default type is \[oq]plain\[cq].  Note that \[oq]plain\[cq] chroots do not
run setup scripts and mount filesystems; \[oq]directory\[cq] is recommended
(see \[lq]\fIPlain and directory chroots\fP\[rq], below).
A short description of the chroot.  This may be localised for different
languages; see the section \[lq]\fILocalisation\fP\[rq] below.
Set the priority of a chroot.  \f[CI]number\fP is a positive integer indicating
whether a distribution is older than another.  For example, \[lq]oldstable\[rq]
and \[lq]oldstable-security\[rq] might be \[oq]0\[cq], while \[lq]stable\[rq]
and \[lq]stable-security\[rq] are \[oq]1\[cq], \[lq]testing\[rq] is \[oq]2\[cq]
and \[lq]unstable\[rq] is \[oq]3\[cq].  The values are not important, but the
difference between them is.  This option is deprecated and no longer used by
schroot, but is still permitted to be used; it will be obsoleted and removed in
a future release.
Set the verbosity of messages printed by schroot when setting up, running
commands and cleaning up the chroot.  Valid settings are \[oq]quiet\[cq]
(suppress most messages), \[oq]normal\[cq] (the default) and \[oq]verbose\[cq]
(show all messages).  This setting is overridden by the options \fI\-\-quiet\fP
and \fI\-\-verbose\fP.
A comma-separated list of users which are allowed access to the chroot.  If
empty or omitted, no users will be allowed access (unless a group they belong
to is also specified in \f[CI]groups\fP).
A comma-separated list of groups which are allowed access to the chroot.  If
empty or omitted, no groups of users will be allowed access.
A comma-separated list of users which are allowed \fBpassword-less\fP root
access to the chroot.  If empty or omitted, no users will be allowed root
access without a password (but if a user or a group they belong to is in
\f[CI]users\fP or \f[CI]groups\fP, respectively, they may gain access with a
password).  See the section \[lq]\fISecurity\fP\[rq] below.
A comma-separated list of groups which are allowed \fBpassword-less\fP root
access to the chroot.  If empty or omitted, no users will be allowed root
access without a password (but if a user or a group they belong to is in
\f[CI]users\fP or \f[CI]groups\fP, respectively, they may gain access with a
password).  See the section \[lq]\fISecurity\fP\[rq] below.
A comma-separated list of aliases (alternate names) for this chroot.  For
example, a chroot named \[lq]sid\[rq] might have an \[oq]unstable\[cq] alias
for convenience.
Set whether chroot setup scripts will be run.  The default is to run setup
scripts for all chroot types except \[oq]plain\[cq].  Setup scripts are
\fBrequired\fP to mount and configure the chroot environment.  This option is
deprecated and no longer used by schroot, but is still permitted to be used; it
will be obsoleted and removed in a future release.
\f[CBI]run\-exec\-scripts=\fP\f[CI]true\fP|\f[CI]false\fP Set whether chroot
execution scripts will be run.  The default is the same as the default for the
\f[CI]run\-setup\-scripts\fP key.  This option was called
\f[CI]run\-session\-scripts\fP in versions prior to 0.2.5.  This option is
deprecated and no longer used by schroot, but is still permitted to be used; it
will be obsoleted and removed in a future release.
The behaviour of the chroot setup scripts may be customised on a per-chroot
basis by providing a shell script which the scripts will source.  The filename
is relative to \fI/etc/schroot\fP.  The default filename is
\[oq]default/config\[cq].  Alternatives are \[oq]minimal/config\[cq] (minimal
configuration), \[oq]desktop/config\[cq] (for running desktop applications in
the chroot, making more functionality from the host system available in the
chroot) and \[oq]sbuild/config\[cq] (for using the chroot for Debian package
Desktop users should note that the fstab file \fIdesktop/fstab\fP will need
editing if you use gdm3.  The \f[CI]preserve\-environment\fP key should also be
set to \[oq]true\[cq] so that the environment is preserved inside the chroot.
If none of the configuration profiles provided above meet your needs, then they
may be edited to further customise them, and/or copied and used as a template
for entirely new profiles.  Settings for specific chroots may also be set in a
single script by using conditionals checking the chroot name and/or type.  Note
that the script will be sourced once for each and every script invocation, and
must be idempotent.  The file format is documented in
.BR schroot-script-config (5).
Note that the different profiles have different security implications; see the
section \[lq]\fISecurity\fP\[rq] below for further details.
A comma-separated list of a command and the options for the command.  This
command and its options will be prefixed to all commands run inside the chroot.
Set the personality (process execution domain) to use.  This option is useful
when using a 32-bit chroot on 64-bit system, for example.  Valid options on
Linux are \[oq]bsd\[cq], \[oq]hpux\[cq], \[oq]irix32\[cq], \[oq]irix64\[cq],
\[oq]irixn32\[cq], \[oq]iscr4\[cq], \[oq]linux\[cq], \[oq]linux32\[cq],
\[oq]linux_32bit\[cq], \[oq]osf4\[cq], \[oq]osr5\[cq], \[oq]riscos\[cq],
\[oq]scorvr3\[cq], \[oq]solaris\[cq], \[oq]sunos\[cq], \[oq]svr4\[cq],
\[oq]uw7\[cq], \[oq]wysev386\[cq], and \[oq]xenix\[cq].  The default value is
\[oq]linux\[cq].  There is also the special option \[oq]undefined\[cq]
(personality not set).  For a 32-bit chroot on a 64-bit system,
\[oq]linux32\[cq] is the option required.  The only valid option for non-Linux
systems is \[oq]undefined\[cq].  The default value for non-Linux systems is
By default, the environment will not be preserved inside the chroot, instead a
minimal environment will be used.  Set to \f[CI]true\fP to always preserve the
environment.  This is useful for example when running X applications inside the
chroot, which need the environment to function correctly.  The environment may
also be preserved using the \fI\-\-preserve\-environment\fP option.
The environment to be set in the chroot will be filtered in order to remove
environment variables which may pose a security risk.  Any environment variable
matching the specified POSIX extended regular expression will be removed prior
to executing any command in the chroot.
Potentially dangerous environment variables are removed for safety by default
using the following regular expression:
.SS Plain and directory chroots
Chroots of type \[oq]plain\[cq] or \[oq]directory\[cq] are directories
accessible in the filesystem.  The two types are equivalent except for the fact
that directory chroots run setup scripts, whereas plain chroots do not.  In
consequence, filesystems such as \fI/proc\fI are not mounted in plain chroots;
it is the responsibility of the system administrator to configure such chroots
by hand, whereas directory chroots are automatically configured.  Additionally,
directory chroots implement the \fBfilesystem union chroot\fP options (see
\[lq]\fIFilesystem Union chroot options\fP\[rq], below).
These chroot types have an additional (mandatory) configuration option:
The directory containing the chroot environment.  This is where the root will
be changed to when executing a login shell or a command.  The directory must
exist and have read and execute permissions to allow users access to it.  Note
that on Linux systems it will be bind-mounted elsewhere for use as a chroot;
the directory for \[oq]plain\[cq] chroots is mounted with the \fI\-\-rbind\fP
option to
.BR mount (8),
while for \[oq]directory\[cq] chroots \fI\-\-bind\fP is used instead so that
sub-mounts are not preserved (they should be set in the \fIfstab\fP file just
like in \fI/etc/fstab\fP on the host).
This option was previously named \f[CI]location\fP, but was renamed to avoid
ambiguity with the option by the same name for \fBmountable chroot\fP options
(see \[lq]\fIMountable chroot options\fP\[rq], below).  The name
\f[CI]location\fP is deprecated, but still valid; it will be obsoleted and
removed in a future release.  It is recommended to use \f[CI]directory\fP
rather than \f[CI]location\fP.  Note that it is an error to use both
\f[CI]directory\fP and \f[CI]location\fP at the same time.
.SS File chroots
Chroots of type \[oq]file\[cq] are files on the current filesystem containing
an archive of the chroot files.  They implement the \fBsource chroot\fP options
(see \[lq]\fISource chroot options\fP\[rq], below) and have an additional
(mandatory) configuration option:
The file containing the archived chroot environment.  This must be a tar (tape
archive), optionally compressed with gzip or bzip2, or a zip archive.  The file
extensions used to determine the type are are \fI.tar\fP, \fI.tar.gz\fP,
\fI.tar.bz2\fP, \fI.tgz\fP, \fI.tbz\fP and \fI.zip\fP.  This file must be owned
by the root user, and not be writable by other.
This is the path to the chroot \fIinside\fP the archive.  For example, if the
archive contains a chroot in \fI/squeeze\fP, you would specify
\[lq]/squeeze\[rq] here.  If the chroot is the only thing in the archive,
i.e. \fI/\fP is the root filesystem for the chroot, this option should be left
blank, or omitted entirely.
.SS Loopback chroots
Chroots of type \[oq]loopback\[cq] are a filesystem available as a file on
disk, accessed via a loopback mount.  The file will be loopback mounted and
unmounted on demand.  Loopback chroots implement the \fBmountable chroot\fP and
\fBfilesystem union chroot\fP options (see \[lq]\fIMountable chroot
options\fP\[rq] and \[lq]\fIFilesystem Union chroot options\fP\[rq], below),
plus an additional option:
This is the filename of the file containing the filesystem, including the
absolute path.  For example \[lq]/srv/chroot/sid\[rq].
.SS Block device chroots
Chroots of type \[oq]block\-device\[cq] are a filesystem available on an
unmounted block device.  The device will be mounted and unmounted on demand.
Block device chroots implement the \fBmountable chroot\fP and \fBfilesystem
union chroot\fP options (see \[lq]\fIMountable chroot options\fP\[rq] and
\[lq]\fIFilesystem Union chroot options\fP\[rq], below), plus an additional
This is the device name of the block device, including the absolute path.  For
example, \[lq]/dev/sda5\[rq].
.SS Btrfs snapshot chroots
Chroots of type \[oq]btrfs\-snapshot\[cq] are a Btrfs snapshot created from an
existing Btrfs subvolume on a mounted Btrfs filesystem.  A snapshot will be
created from this source subvolume on demand at the start of a session, and
then the snapshot will be mounted.  At the end of the session, the snapshot
will be unmounted and deleted.
For each chroot of this type, a corresponding \[oq]directory\[cq] chroot will
be created, with a \fI\-source\fP suffix appended to the chroot name and all
its aliases; this is for convenient access to the source subvolume.  This
chroot type implements the \fBsource chroot\fP options (see \[lq]\fISource
chroot options\fP\[rq], below), plus these additional options:
The directory containing the source subvolume.
The directory in which to store the snapshots of the above source subvolume.
.SS LVM snapshot chroots
Chroots of type \[oq]lvm\-snapshot\[cq] are a filesystem available on an LVM
logical volume (LV).  A snapshot LV will be created from this LV on demand, and
then the snapshot will be mounted.  At the end of the session, the snapshot LV
will be unmounted and removed.  For each chroot of this type, a corresponding
\[oq]block\-device\[cq] chroot will be created, with a \fI\-source\fP suffix
appended to the chroot name and all its aliases; this is for convenient access
to the source device.
They implement the \fBsource chroot\fP options (see \[lq]\fISource chroot
options\fP\[rq], below), and all the options for \[oq]block\-device\[cq], plus
an additional option:
Snapshot options.  These are additional options to pass to lvcreate(8).  For
example, \[lq]\-L 2g\[rq] to create a snapshot 2 GiB in size.
.B Note:
the LV name (\fI\-n\fP), the snapshot option (\fI\-s\fP) and the original LV
path may not be specfied here; they are set automatically by schroot.
.SS Source chroot options
Some chroots implement source chroots.  These are chroots which automatically
create a copy of themselves before use, and are usually session managed.  These
chroots additionally provide an extra chroot with a \fI\-source\fP suffix
added to their name, to allow access to the original data, and to aid in chroot
maintenance.  These chroots provide the following additional options:
Set whether the source chroot should be automatically cloned (created) for this
chroot.  The default is \f[CI]true\fP to automatically clone, but if desired
may be disabled by setting to \f[CI]false\fP.  If disabled, the source chroot
will be inaccessible.
A comma-separated list of users which are allowed access to the source chroot.
If empty or omitted, no users will be allowed access.  This will become the
\f[CI]users\fP option in the source chroot.
A comma-separated list of groups which are allowed access to the source chroot.
If empty or omitted, no users will be allowed access.  This will become the
\f[CI]groups\fP option in the source chroot.
 A comma-separated list of users which are allowed \fBpassword-less\fP root
access to the source chroot.  If empty or omitted, no users will be allowed
root access without a password (but if a user is in \f[CI]users\fP, they may
gain access with a password).  This will become the \f[CI]root\-users\fP option
in the source chroot.  See the section \[lq]\fISecurity\fP\[rq] below.
 A comma-separated list of groups which are allowed \fBpassword-less\fP root
access to the source chroot.  If empty or omitted, no users will be allowed
root access without a password (but if a user's group is in \f[CI]groups\fP,
they may gain access with a password).  This will become the
\f[CI]root\-groups\fP option in the source chroot.  See the section
\[lq]\fISecurity\fP\[rq] below.
.SS Mountable chroot options
Some chroots implement device mounting.  These are chroots which require the
mounting of a device in order to access the chroot.  These chroots provide the
following additional options:
Mount options for the block device.  These are additional options to pass to
.BR mount (8).
For example, \[lq]\-o atime,sync,user_xattr\[rq].
This is the path to the chroot \fIinside\fP the filesystem on the device.  For
example, if the filesystem contains a chroot in \fI/chroot/sid\fP, you would
specify \[lq]/chroot/sid\[rq] here.  If the chroot is the only thing on the
filesystem, i.e. \fI/\fP is the root filesystem for the chroot, this option
should be left blank, or omitted entirely.
.SS Filesystem Union chroot options
Some chroots allow for the creation of a session using filesystem unions to
overlay the original filesystem with a separate writable directory.  The
original filesystem is read-only, with any modifications made to the filesystem
made in the overlying writable directory, leaving the original filesystem
unchanged.  A union permits multiple sessions to access and make changes to a
single chroot simultaneously, while keeping the changes private to each
session.  To enable this feature, set \f[CI]union\-type\fP to any supported
value.  If enabled, the chroot will also be a \fBsource chroot\fP, which will
provide additional options (see \[lq]\fISource chroot options\fP\[rq], above).
All entries are optional.
Set the union filesystem type.  Currently supported filesystems are
\[oq]aufs\[cq] and \[oq]unionfs\[cq].  The default is \[oq]none\[cq], which
disables this feature.
Union filesystem mount options (branch configuration), used for mounting the
union filesystem specified with \fIunion\-type\fP.  This replaces the complete
\[lq]\-o\[rq] string for mount and allows for the creation of complex
filesystem unions.  Note that \[oq]aufs\[cq] and \[oq]unionfs\[cq] have
different supported mount options.
.B Note:
One can use the variables \[lq]${CHROOT_UNION_OVERLAY_DIRECTORY}\[rq] and
\[lq]${CHROOT_UNION_UNDERLAY_DIRECTORY}\[rq] to refer to the writable overlay
session directory and read-only underlying directory which are to form the
union.  See
.BR schroot\-setup (5)
for a complete variable list.
Specify the directory where the writeable overlay session directories will be
created.  The default is \[oq]/usr/var/lib/schroot/union/overlay\[cq].
Specify the directory where the read-only underlying directories will be
created.  The default is \[oq]/usr/var/lib/schroot/union/underlay\[cq].
.SS Localisation
Some keys may be localised in multiple languages.  This is achieved by adding
the locale name in square brackets after the key name.  For example:
\f[CR]description[en_GB]=\f[CI]British English translation\fP\fP
This will localise the \f[CI]description\fP key for the en_GB locale.
\f[CR]description[fr]=\f[CI]French translation\fP\fP
This will localise the \f[CI]description\fP key for all French locales.
.SS Untrusted users
Note that giving untrusted users root access to chroots is a \fBserious
security risk\fP!  Although the untrusted user will only have root access to
files inside the chroot, in practice there are many obvious ways of breaking
out of the chroot and of disrupting services on the host system.  As always,
this boils down to \fItrust\fP.
.B Do not give chroot root access to users you would not trust
.B with root access to the host system.
.SS Profiles
Depending upon which profile you have configured with the
\f[CI]script\-config\fP option, different filesystems will be mounted inside
the chroot, and different files will be copied into the chroot from the host.
Some profiles will mount the host's \fI/dev\fP, while others will not.  Some
profiles also bind mount additional parts of the host filesystem in order to
allow use of certain features, including user's home directories and specific
parts of \fI/var\fP.  Check the profile's \fIfstab\fP file to be certain of
what will be mounted, and the other profile files to see which files and system
databases will be copied into the chroot.  Choose a different profile or edit
the files to further restrict what is made available inside the chroot.
There is a tradeoff between security (keeping the chroot as minimal as
possible) and usability (which sometimes requires access to parts of the host
filesystem).  The different profiles make different tradeoffs, and it is
important that you assess which meets the security/usability tradeoff you
\f[CR]# Sample configuration\fP
\f[CR]description=Debian unstable\fP
\f[CR]description[fr_FR]=Debian instable\fP
\f[CR]description=Debian testing (32\-bit)\fP
\f[CR]mount\-options=\-o atime\fP
\f[CR]description=Debian sid file\-based chroot\fP
\f[CR]description=Debian unstable LVM snapshot\fP
\f[CR]mount\-options=\-o atime,sync,user_xattr\fP
\f[CR]lvm\-snapshot\-options=\-\-size 2G\fP
.SS Chroot definitions
The system-wide chroot definition file.  This file must be owned by the root
user, and not be writable by other.
Additional chroot definitions may be placed in files under this directory.
They are treated in exactly that same manner as \fI/etc/schroot/schroot.conf\fP.  Each
file may contain one or more chroot definitions.
.SS Setup script configuration
The directory \f[BI]/etc/schroot/default\fP contains the default
settings used by setup scripts.
Main configuration file read by setup scripts.  The format of this file is
described in
.BR schroot\-script\-config (5).
This is the default value for the \f[CI]script\-config\fP key.  Note that this
was formerly named \fI/etc/schroot/script\-defaults\fP.  The following
files are referenced by default:
A list of files to copy into the chroot from the host system.  Note that this
was formerly named \fI/etc/schroot/copyfiles\-defaults\fP.
A file in the format decribed in
.BR fstab (5),
used to mount filesystems inside the chroot.  The mount location is relative to
the root of the chroot.  Note that this was formerly named
System databases (as described in \fI/etc/nsswitch.conf\fP on GNU/Linux
systems) to copy into the chroot from the host.  Note that this was formerly
named \fI/etc/schroot/nssdatabases\-defaults\fP.
Roger Leigh.
Copyright \(co 2005\-2010  Roger Leigh \f[CR]<rleigh at debian.org>\fP
\fBschroot\fP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
.BR sbuild (1),
.BR schroot (1),
.BR schroot\-script\-config (5),
.BR schroot\-faq (7),
.BR mount (8).
.\"# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
.\"# Local Variables:
.\"# mode:nroff
.\"# fill-column:79
.\"# End:
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