[buildd-tools-devel] apt-get option to keep dummy packages

David Kalnischkies kalnischkies+debian at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 23:50:33 UTC 2010

On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 02:30, Andres Mejia <mcitadel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Seems using 'apt-get build-dep dummy-archive' will fail too in similar manner
> as 'apt-get -f install'.

I can tell you exactly why:
Look into cmdline/apt-get.cc - method DoBuildDep in line ~2628
The todo-comment says it all… ;)

Thats what i meant with
> (build-dep itself needs to be seriously improved through)
Someone needs to work on that, but this probability is higher if
its used by some (more) - or at least considered for starters -,
so maybe we can find someone…

A quiet interesting change would be for example to construct a
dummy package on the fly, insert into the cache and install it.
That would obsolete reinventing the resolver-wheel in build-dep and
would make it relatively easy to be able to install local files…
For both usecases dpkg -i and --fix-broken are currently used
which is not only one command more than needed but also requires
starting from a broken state, which is harder than from a good known.

The -f install problem is more general btw - it will also hit you if you try
to dist-upgrade in a similar situation. The resolver recently got the
possibility to try to fix a dependency by using a different or-group member -
the choice is unfortunately always the same in some cases:
The first or-grouper and so it tries it a few times with the same
before choosing to give up.
Looks like it requires some more deep changes to really be able to fix
or-groups that way in the ProblemResolver in all cases…

> Attached is a patch to test 'Sources' entries and 'build-dep' command.

Thanks. :)

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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