[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#620589: Bug#620589: sbuild: option to turn off log filtering

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Sun Apr 3 22:41:28 UTC 2011

* Roger Leigh <rleigh at codelibre.net>, 2011-04-03, 01:26:
>>Please add an option to turn off log filtering. Thanks in advance.
>That's no problem.


>>(To be honest, I don't understand why you decided to cripple logs with 
>>this "feature"...)
>Some people complained that build logs couldn't be diffed easily due
>to the random part in the build directory name (which the filtering
>makes constant).

Yes, I stumbled on this problem a few times, too. But:

1. If you diff logs only ocasionally, you can easily fix the problem 
locally. Just use search&replace function in your $EDITOROFCHIOCE. Or 
write a <50 lines post-processing script in your $LANGUAGEOFCHOICE.

2. If you diff logs on large scale, you need the current sbuild's log 
filtering is too naïve: there are other sources of diff noise, which 
sbuild cannot always fix without losing information (e.g.  
aptitude/apt-get/dpkg output). So one would up with writing a 
(sophisticated) log post-processor anyway.

3. sbuild _do_ lose information even now, because strings like CHROOT 
and BUILDDIR can occur naturally in a build log. See e.g.:

4. If want copy&paste filtered log snippets and send them to other 
people, I need to either undo the filtering (which cannot be done fully 
automatically, see 3.) or write an extra explanation about the 
transformation that were done. This is completely unnecessary burden.

Jakub Wilk

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