[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#650978: Bug#650978: /usr/bin/schroot: 10mount: mount: exec mount_nullfs not found: No such file or directory

Roger Leigh rleigh at codelibre.net
Sun Dec 4 19:16:29 UTC 2011

On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 08:01:31PM +0100, Damien Raude-Morvan wrote:
> After an "apt-get dist-upgrade" of some kfreebsd-amd64 sid VM to latest 
> packages I'm unable to use schroot :
> -------
> schroot -c chroot:unstable-kfreebsd-amd64-sbuild
> E: 10mount: mount: exec mount_nullfs not found: No such file or directory
> E: unstable-kfreebsd-amd64-sbuild-1323025090-17174: Chroot setup failed: 
> stage=setup-start
> -------
> I'm unsure if this is a bug in schroot or is something else but, at least, I 
> can mount a nullfs manually :
> -------
> sudo mount -t nullfs  /srv/chroots/unstable-kfreebsd-amd64-sbuild 
> /var/lib/schroot/mount/unstable-kfreebsd-amd64-sbuild-1323006838-1946
> -------
> So at least mount command (with sudo) can found nullfs helper into /sbin/

I'm not sure if this is a schroot issue, or an issue with the
kfreebsd system.  Is "mount_nullfs" referenced by the 10mount
script (/etc/schroot/setup.d/10mount)?  If it's a helper program
which is no longer available, I think it's a kfreebsd issue.  Has
the 10mount script been modified to contain a mount_nullfs function
or other usage?

Does running with --verbose and/or --debug=notice produce anything
more informative?


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
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