[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#657392: Bug#657392: sbuild: Automatically handle --arch=all

Daniel Dehennin daniel.dehennin at baby-gnu.org
Mon Feb 27 17:10:30 UTC 2012

Roger Leigh <rleigh at codelibre.net> writes:



> I would probably do this in Sbuild::Build, at the very start when
> we're setting host/build stuff.  The information is in Sbuild::Conf.
> Something like:
> if ($self->get('Host Arch') eq 'all') {
>   $self->set_conf('BUILD_ARCH_ALL', 1);
>   $self->set('Host Arch', $self->get_conf('ARCH'));
> }
> However, I don't really like this.  --host and --build have defined
> meanings, and this is altering that.  If you use --arch=all (sets
> host and build), you've set it to an invalid arch.  What should we
> now use as the correct arch?  Above, I've defaulted it to the native
> system architecture.  But that might not be correct in all cases, and
> we now don't have a sensible means to specify the correct values.
> I think the existing behaviour does the right thing here.  I'm not
> yet convinced that this is something sbuild should be doing.  It's
> really rebuildd's job to pass the right options, IMHO.

I'm fine with this I was just making a proposition to handle the case of
avoiding the build of architecture dependent packages when building
architecture independent ones.

When I upload a source package to reprepro with 'Architecture: all any',
I will have the following list with the 'build-needing' reprepro


My reprepro « spooler script » is kept as simple as possible: spool to
rebuildd for evry architectures listed.

As I have several rebuildd daemon, I don't know which one may build the

So, to be as simple as possible, I need a way to:

- build Architecture Independant packages only when rebuildd get
  arch=all (dpkg-buildpackage -A)

- build Architecture dependent packages only when rebuildd get arch!=all
  (sbuild --no-arch-all == dpkg-buildpackage -B == the default)

"sbuild -A" is not equivalent to "dpkg-buildpackage -A" and I don't see
which combination of option does the job.


Daniel Dehennin
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