[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#656449: Bug#656449: sbuild: When not in buildd mode, create log files in the cwd rather than symlinking

Roger Leigh rleigh at codelibre.net
Sat Jan 21 00:21:40 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 10:14:33PM +0100, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * Roger Leigh <rleigh at debian.org>, 2012-01-19, 13:25:
> >sbuild currently creates all build logs in ~/logs, and then
> >creates symlinks such as current and $pkg_$ver.build in the
> >current working directory.  ~/logs is really a buildd-specific
> >feature, and normal users generally want the log to accompany the
> >build.
> I just set
> $log_dir = '.';
> in my sbuild.conf. Maybe making it default would be enough?

I think so.  We can just set it to ~/logs when in buildd mode.

> I actually _like_ the fact that $pkg_$ver.build is a symlink,
> because if I build the package multiple times, the old build log is
> not begin thrown away.

We could just append a timestamp/random suffix to the filename, like
in buildd mode, so successive builds get different names.  So it
would in fact unify the behaviour of the two modes other than the
log dir location.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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