[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#657392: sbuild: Automatically handle --arch=all

Daniel Dehennin daniel.dehennin at baby-gnu.org
Thu Jan 26 16:27:07 UTC 2012

Daniel Dehennin <daniel.dehennin at baby-gnu.org> writes:



> I use a little shell script wrapper to handle the architecture:all case
> because when reprepro list build-needing packages[1], the architecture:all
> is a job on its own.

I think we could manage two different cases:

- "sbuild -A --arch=<SOMETHING>" or "sbuild -A": like today, build
  architecture independent packages in addition to architecture
  dependent ones

- "sbuild --arch=all": only build architecture independent packages

This would be useful for my setup, if "--arch=all" is handled internally
by doing like "sbuild -A --arch=<something>", this would cause problem
when building "Architecture: any all" sources.

Actually, in Debian, the architecture independent packages are build by
the developer who include them in his upload, the buildd only need to
take care of its own architecture dependent packages.

Daniel Dehennin
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