[buildd-tools-devel] [Piuparts-devel] simplifying running piuparts (was: Re: Debian development and release: always releasable (essay))

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud odyx at debian.org
Tue May 21 11:27:10 UTC 2013

Le mardi, 21 mai 2013 12.35:47, Ondřej Surý a écrit :
> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org> 
> > have an option to run piuparts automatically by debuild, after or before
> > lintian.
> Also integrate it with git-pbuilder/pbuilder/cowbuilder to run
> piuparts inside the created clean(ish) chroot, so it's less time
> consuming.

Actually, doing it in sbuild (and hence hypothetically on the buildds) would 
be awesome:
 - deinstall build-depends
 - install previous version (+ dependencies), then upgrade
 - remove
 - purge
 - …

A failure at each of these stages could fail the build.

(The problem becomes tricky with source packages building mutually-
incompatible binary packages).



P.S. I'd be interested in getting something along those lines working but am 
not sure to have enough time on my hands, unfortunately.
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