[buildd-tools-devel] Multiarch buildd support (sbuild)

Roger Leigh rleigh at codelibre.net
Sun Nov 9 18:41:24 UTC 2014

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 02:46:59AM +0100, Wookey wrote:
> So, once I've tested this properly, is it OK to push this branch and
> make a release for use on the buildds? What's the procedure for that
> and who takes care of uploading to the special buildd-tools repo?

I think Philipp Kern (CCd), given that he is the main committer
on the buildd branches.

A new buildd branch needs creating from the last release tag, and then
the changes from the last buildd branch need rebasing onto it (or
squash them and reapply as a single commit), whatever is most useful
for the buildd maintainers.

> Do we have any special testing for the buildd branch beyond the normal
> sbuild package tests?

Not that I know of, but maybe Philipp can advise.

> BTW  I just noticed that the sources at
> https://buildd.debian.org/apt/pool/wheezy/ are 5M per release, not
> 500K, because they each include a copy of the git repo, which seems wrong?

That does seem wrong; may need to check if they are using the same
release process as for the master branch.  Ideally, given that it's
a delta against the main Debian release, the buildd git delta could
just be applied to the unpacked sources.  But we could certainly look
at ways to improve the workflow if needed.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux    http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
 `. `'   schroot and sbuild  http://alioth.debian.org/projects/buildd-tools
   `-    GPG Public Key      F33D 281D 470A B443 6756 147C 07B3 C8BC 4083 E800
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